Thursday, December 30, 2010
went to Sungei Rd with mj joyce. you can find tresure at the flea market if you can stand to hot sorching sun. i found 1 ystd, the only missing album of my S.H.E collection! cd working perfectly fine, lyric book and the pictorial book that comes with it are all in mint condition. the album is orginal, malaysia version with the HIM sticker, it cost only $3! cool! then shop at bugis street, all the bags that caught my eyes are going at $39.90 O.O so ex!
went to meet my mum to carry the luggage that she bought from her workplace. cos the luggage is for me so i had to go contribute by carrying it back.
reach home 7pm left house at 7.05 reach J8 7.30. circle line is fast but it would be better if the station is closer to my house. Watch Gulliver's travels, dinner at S11 then singing session and childhood games at the playground next to it. it's been ages since i play catching.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
clear work clear work, then i can go KL in a peaceful mind:)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love youStill I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
You've got this look I can't describe,
You make me feel like I'm alive,
When everything else is au fait,
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song,
Oh...Your love,
Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
Now I have come to understand,
The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,'cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,I wont let my guard down,
For anyone but youWe do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
it's by Corinne Bailey Rae in 2006.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

「超级新人」田馥甄《Love田馥甄To Hebe音乐会》终于铁定在明年1月15日(星期六)
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
我因该学会勇敢 别在做会后悔的选择
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
S.H.E- 一起开始的旅程
相识十年的朋友 一起上训练课程 一起工作 一起为事业奋斗 一起体验生活
一起分享所有的酸甜苦辣 对彼此不离不弃 用真心真意换来无比坚定的友情
十年前 三个懵懂但爱唱歌的女生踏上属于她们的旅程
未来的日子我们会一路相伴 不止到80岁的约定 而是forever….
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
里面所提到的 我们在事发第一天就知道了
而且剧组说的 和探班的粉丝说的 差很多
我觉得探班的粉丝没理由诬蔑剧组 所以他们的话比较有可信度
还有剧组的人说 这只是小意外 两位演员的伤势没那么严重
是因为名气大 所以很多人关注 不如你去被烧看严不严重
还有媒体们 你们问的问题可以多一点智慧
举例1:新加坡金曲奖后台 田馥甄接受访问 现场有本地媒体也有海外来的
有人就问了这么一句 :“Hebe你有什么话想透过媒体跟Selina说?”
果然,Hebe这么回答:“我干吗要透过媒体? 我有话当然是亲自跟她说 不过既然你们要求 我就说 Selina加油!” 结果新闻出来变成Hebe呛媒体 其实听到这问题我是傻眼加无语 问问题的人脑袋有问题
Hebe:“如果你身上50%烧伤因该夜睡不好 因为很痛 痛不欲生”
第一题我很可以理解为关心Selina而问得 第二题那一句“为什么?”真的很白目
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
田馥甄 - 我想我不會愛你 (HQ官方版MV)
田馥甄- 我想我不会爱你mv
虽然这是音乐会录的然后加上拍摄专辑内页的照片和To Hebe mv 的画面
总之有‘环保’的感觉 虽说环保但我很喜欢
田馥甄认真唱歌时候的表情很杀 她的一举一动很销魂 她的眼神会让人着迷
Sunday, October 31, 2010
这几天几乎都被 S.H.E成员 Selina因拍戏爆破、被烧伤的事情而影响着心情。我跟她不熟,几次见面都是大堆人马聚集的活动场合。电视上,她总是天真直率的模样,时不时自嘲一下自己。在这环境,能自嘲还是比较健康的。这是她给我的良好印象。艺人因公受伤的新闻偶而会进入大众的视线,但总停留在影剧版「花边」类别,算不上公共关切议题。但跟矿工特别关心矿灾一样,我对艺人的职业伤害自然心有戚戚焉。
但我感触最深的,是之后发生的事情。整个过程,不管是媒体或粉丝,当然都想在第一时间了解情况,但记者完全不顾及家属跟伤者的心情及安危,壅堵在医院,妨碍医护人员工作。最后 Selina爸爸只好使出「调虎离山」,召开记者会五分钟,为的是可以将他心爱的女儿送上救护车去机场。到了台湾更是一团混乱。 Selina所属的公司高层被记者怒骂,为甚麼要「调虎离山」?为甚麼要骗记者?任爸爸不断鞠躬,请大家帮忙不要推挤,不要拍照,因为 Selina希望满身纱布的自己不暴露在大众面前。这是一个女孩无奈卑微的期望。但当然,媒体需要的就是她被「烧伤」的画面。所属的经纪公司,除了安排就医事宜,还要花很多时间去面对媒体,跟大家详细交代,拜托大家可以给 Selina一点医疗空间;甚至艺人们也在各种管道疾呼,媒体不要闯进医院。
这一切的一切,让我实在不解,非常不解。几年前,我因工作暂住香港,当时沈殿霞女士生病,记者天天去打探她的状况。胖了,说她水肿,瘦了,说她病情加重。她终於受不了,搬到与我同一栋酒店式公寓以求清静。然而记者无孔不入,过没几天循线而来。我亲眼目睹,记者堵着追问她的状况,她一句不回,低头进车,有位记者大声的说「我们是关心你!」关心?这种关心能把人逼死!这几年天灾人祸频频。我在电视上看见记者追着一个泪流满面的妈妈,地震夺走了她爱子,「你现在是甚麼感觉?伤心吗?」这就不是品德问题,而是专业素质问题了。在我来看,问受难家属伤不伤心,跟问 Selina爸爸为甚麼支开记者,一样事关采访品质。我认为受众完全知道家属伤不伤心,这是蠢问题,我们需要知道点别的,尤其那些被蒙蔽的真相,事件的前因后果。
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

心疼吗 爱你的人心当然会疼啊 公主Selina你受了点伤 你还是我的公主阿呀
Selina轻轻甩着长头发 飘来一阵阵花香 我注定属于她
Selina粉红色来形容她 娇艳玫瑰只为她芬芳
我祈求上天 求你保佑她在康复的道路上能够平安顺利 求你给予她更多的乐观来面对这次的考验
求你赐她家人力量还有健康的身体让她们能陪着Selina度过难关 求你同样要保佑Hebe Ella以及她们的家人平安快乐 也要保佑俞灝明能够度过这难关
各位媒体朋友,尤其是台湾的媒体,你们一路看着SHE三个小女子成长已经有9年多的时间了。这9年来,她们三个跟媒体都是很peace的相处。 这次娜娜受伤很多人都非常关心,身为粉丝的我求你们了。 让娜娜有个清静的空间康复吧。 娜娜是一个怕痛的女生,这次的伤让她承受的皮肉之痛已经超出她所能承担的了。这时不要在为了独家而想尽办法想拍到她受伤的照片,不要给她带来二度伤害好吗?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
had driving lessons in the morning, it's my 6th lesson.
and this is like the best drive so far, everything is smooth, no stalling.
and my instructor is dozing off, should i take this as a compliment?
lesson ended and i walk to city plaza! at first i thought the weather was good, not so sunny at 11 plus, then i realised it's not sunny because the haze is blocking. so i walk+sneeze all the way to city plaza.
wanted to eat the famous mee hoon kueh there but i only had 10 dollars, didnt want to spend it so i eat hot dog bun instead. (妈咪骂我笨 大老远走到那里也不吃)
walked back home and i thought, hmm still got time, let's take a trip down to HDB office. go there lodge a complain on my neighbour. i'm not being petty or have low tolerance level but i really had enough of burning!
reach home and i had a 'welcoming song', 夜上海,夜上海... hello, i memorise the lyrics already, would you like to change the song? sweep the floor, mop it and vacuum the floor. plus study for FTT and compile results for my PDD2 observation.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me
He bag production he got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me
He roller-coaster he got early warning
He got muddy water he one mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me
this is Beatles Come together, been listening to it for the past whole week.
all thanks to Hebe 田馥甄, she influences the type of music i listen to.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
by: 溜狗路人甲(转自官网)
有 誰看過一個歌者突然說: 「我有事先走了...」留著台上的樂手跟台下的我們不知所云? 靠近台前的觀眾呼喊著小廖,硬是逼著小廖趕緊上台解釋「她需要補妝一下」... 啊~~ 這是哪招? 我沒看出來有什要補的啊? 難道眼睫毛要掉下來了? 回來後解釋說要攝影,所以要補一下妝....總之,這是難追出真相的迷團之一。
還有一段,對放在台上的麥克風桿不滿意,直接在台上指揮工作人員:「我要早上那個可以伸縮自如的麥桿,自己想辦法,給你一首歌的時間」 哈~ 有點霸氣、有點可愛。
p.s. 馥甄有說: 導演施人誠有交代,剛剛你們拍照跟攝影的,留在家裡自爽就好,不要放到網路上。
呵呵~ 小姐有交代,但不知有多少人可以克制住?! 若各位看官在網路上搜尋不著,那只能說小姐的話很有用,大家都乖乖聽; 若有幸讓您找到了,那也只能說您好運囉。
原本並沒有買第二場的門票,但是經過昨夜整個滿滿的田式音樂會後,今日莫名早起,也莫名地默默地上了官網,看到有人急著出售9日門票,原本冷靜的我突然衝動地call了對方,很幸運地,我是第一名! 喔耶!
這一場,感覺更自在了一些,不過唱錯詞還是有啦。不過是否要怪後面兩個螢幕會打歌詞,沒發現的也會發現到…。原本應該是設計給歌迷的貼心提詞功能,好像當場變成抓包田馥甄唱錯詞的好利器?! 哈~
在唱超級瑪麗時,一開頭她就快笑場了,當時正奇怪…因為第一場時,這是一首唯一一首我覺得現場跟CD幾乎無差異的表現 (愛看現場的總會知道,因為當場氣氛、歌者狀態、編曲等…聽感都會跟CD稍有不同),中間也有一兩次快笑出來,終於唱到「馬路上的日升日落 人來又人往 瑪麗抬起頭 才發現Selina在那裏」,後方的螢幕馬上投射出Selina在場邊隨著間奏音樂起舞做出可愛的舞蹈動作,周圍的人是一片驚呼聲跟「好可愛喔」此起彼落。那短短的幾秒的可愛音樂與超自然的可愛舞蹈真的很Q,難怪田馥甄無法專心唱歌,對面的查理都唱成瑪麗了。
後來Selina在貴賓席上還要了麥克風,說是任小弟淑女版的人 (頭上蝴蝶啾啾臉帶任小弟大眼鏡)要與台上的田馥甄對話,一個在舞台上,一個在後方貴賓席上,讓場中間的歌迷的頭真得很忙碌呢…
最後安可曲原來的「葉子」換成「我真的受傷了」…突然有種預感,搞不好第一場的「葉子」不會再出現了…那是唯一的一次田馥甄版嗎? 有點小失落…
p.s. 截至目前,網上好像真得還找不到現場觀眾拍的演唱會內容(電視新聞跟彩排非一般觀眾拍攝的不算),看來大家都很聽小姐的話,很乖。
一路上很平靜,到忠孝新生捷運站出口爬樓梯往上時,一邊摸著門票一邊開始覺得心跳加快,心想體力沒有這麼差吧…咦? 不是耶! 不是喘,是心跳速度變快,我竟是因為緊張興奮到開始心跳速度加快,我也太誇張了吧…
田:很high喔,今天最後一天大家很high喔 有哪一個girl想要被我kiss呢? 誰? 好,你上來,然後站在旁邊..
田:邊飛邊唱喔….I kissed a girl (kiss聲) and I like it(kiss聲)…
唱「我要去哪裡」的結尾時,自己加詞「我要去慶功宴」XD…「莎喲哪那 我愛去飲酒(台語:我要去喝酒)」
S:你們幹嘛都一直叫我名字啊 (S小姐您何時改名啦?XD)
S:ㄟ~老婆好了嗎?(轉向台邊問) (貌似沒有反應… S繼續墊場… XD)
S(開始哼唱):給小孩 DA LA LA~ 給小孩DA LA LA LA~ 讓他們DA LA ~LALA~不覺得DA~LA~ (第二遍) 給小孩 DA LA LA~ 給小孩DA LA LA LA~… (後面吉他老師很配合,有彈和弦…)
田:(天籟來了)給小孩做夢的床 給小孩遠洋的帆 讓他們變成大人不覺得@# 給小孩一點高山(開始笑場破功…)其實我也不會耶~~~
田:I kissed a girl (然後就直接吻了Selina)
S:你怎不知道 其實我不是girl
S:我們把舞台交給暖場天后田馥甄 (然後S就下台了)
接下來田繼續唱了安可曲:你太猖狂、I Believe,並在唱最後一曲LOVE!前邀大家在「咦?怎麼這世界…」這地方大合唱,不過前面空靈歌聲的地方她倒是不許我們唱和搗亂,因為….我們沒得金曲獎… 哈 XD!
大家好像很有默契似的,LOVE!結束後幾乎沒人離開,繼續喊田馥甄…果真她們也是有準備的,真的被叫出來了! 這場真得賺到~喔耶~
歌都唱完了,該唱什麼呢?出來送了一曲「無言花」… 快結束時我還在想只有一曲嗎?
聽過多少次Super Star?
來來來~這裡送你一個田馥甄獨唱雷鬼(Reggae)版Super Star 外加王治平老師rap插花大放送~不錯吧XD
站場看 看得我腰痠肩膀痠脖子痠
三天下來每場都滿滿的田馥甄 滿滿滿滿滿意啊!(灑花 拉砲)
你的小島已經從容納500人的TheWall 進步到可站1,000人的Legacy
所以… 下次… 拜託…
找個有位子的島讓我們好好欣賞田式音樂吧… (含淚懇切請求)
P.S. 在謝完台上樂手與工作人員們後
那你們底下的這些小導播拍的東西,回去不要放在網路上,拜託拜託! 謝謝! 在家裡自爽就好了,謝謝!
lz他去了三天 也把三天发生的趣事记录下来 看了很多网友的游记 心情也没在那么闷了
田馥甄你很棒!!! 我会乖乖的等dvd 还有期待你把这小型演唱会带来新加坡
Sunday, October 10, 2010
我很喜欢这首 其实只要是田馥甄唱的我都爱
歌迷粉丝都很乖 田馥甄说:"有录影的回家自己看自己爽就好 不要po上网"
还果真没人po 所以我这种没钱飞到台湾就算飞去也没票进Legacy的人只好
带在家里蹲在墙角对着地板画圈圈咯 dvd天知道要等多久 而且不知道会不会被剪
Friday, October 08, 2010

today had lunch with mj joyce at sushi don, funan. food is not bad but price abit ex. then walk ard funan before heading to RC to collect mj's JYJ concert tickets. i thought it will be like pick&go but NO! my gosh, its a super long queue and we queue for an hour. so because of queueing up, we don have time for shopping at bugis. but i went there to buy SHA tickets. that's the 4th time i'm going to Indoor stadium for an event. ohmy天!
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
this was taken at Citylink's HMV. the biggest poster i've seen so far.
before that i went to SMU Symposium, attended 3/4 of the pitching session.
saw a lot of innovative ideas like KimZhuaTiam, Ezdry(SH!!!), Tompang taxi, bag-a-more etc
walk with mj to citylink just to take the photo:) then we walk back to bugis street and shop!
buying spree started at this shop where every single piece is going @$15 each. my sushi dinner turn into chee gui cos i'm broke!
today is mummy&daddy's 20th wedding anniversary! after researching on Google, decided to but them a pair of rings. cost is shared with my brother, $338+++ T_T this is the reason why i'm broke.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
classic clip! it gave me all the laughter that i need.
Again, it's the once a sem torture day. cos it's IS enrolment day. i wanted to choose appreciating artworks or service marketing but none available to me :( then WISP don have the lecturer that i wanted. so i took a 10-12 WISP then followed by 1-3 effective negiotiation. hope they be kind to let me pass my last sem.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Friday, October 01, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Well, i submitted an email feedback in Aug, about 2weeks before the start of EPL.
"Hi, i'm enquiring on behalf of my parents. We would like to terminate our subscription of the Starhub Cable TV. Could you please advise on procedures of doing so. Alternatively, you may want to include this procedure on your web page because it is time consuming to call 1633 and be put on hold for 20mins w/o any officer attending to me and eventually i had to hang up. Thanks"
i didn't sound to polite in my mail because my patience is depleting every minute i'm put on hold @1633
fyi, i didn't wait for a reply, i proceed to return the stuffs the following week. Just now when i check my mail, i saw their reply to my feedback dated 22nd September 2010. Woah, it's more than a month.
"Dear Miss Xxx
Thank you for your email and we sincerely apologize for the extended delay in
our reply as we are currently experiencing high volume ofenquiries.
Our attempts to contact you at 9*** **** have been unsuccessful."
my phone has been very quiet except for a few long overseas prank calls or do those belong to you?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
bootlicking, sweet talking, it's not that i don know how to do, 是我不屑这么做.if not turning up for class, being late for half the lesson, doesnt hand up tutorials until term is ending then persuade lecturer to accept and he does, if all these can still get you an AD/A for the module, then i'm worried for the future generation. the word "hardworking" will soon be removed from the dictionary.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
haven do ref quiz yet>.< can the quiz be on 寂寞寂寞就好? the lyrics, her voice, the melody, everything is stuck in my head.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
skip the collecting part, went to shop at Funan. but before that i need to fill my stomach with smth. stop over at OCK, the aunty whom i assume is the cashier and has more authority than the rest is busy counting money. i call one time no respond. then some1 from the back walk out with a tray of fresh fried squids. i ordered again, she ask me to wait. wait wad? wait for her to finish transferring the squids to the display there. then she help me take what i want. it doesnt end here okay, cos i waited again for the cashier to finish counting her cash before she can process my purchase and give me my change. so i turned from a happy smiling customer to 包青天.
second happening is at this shop, on the same level with food junction. i dunno whats the name but it says "Creative Authorize Reseller". anyway, this shop sells all the headphones, one special thing, it displays the headphones available on the rack for customers to test if needed. so i went in trying to look for "BOSE" headphone. when i found it, i asked the salesman if there is still stock for this, guess what he say?
'这个很贵的嘞' (you think i cant afford?)
hello?! btw your answer doesnt match my qns!! so i asked him how much they selling, so he ask another person. that person say 200plus and he tell me 299. excuse me, 200plus and 299 is very different okay? 200plus = can be 200.05 to 299.95
final outcome? of cos i didnt buy from there
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
is it really that hard to figure what to buy for my birthday? cos my mum asked me what i want, my friends ask the same qns and i ask myself, what do i want?? hmm... maybe these can offer some help:
-laptop cooling pad ( the one i bought in sch, frm 3fans become 1fan-.- i don want to risk of having the cooling fan spoil again)
- earpiece/headphone ( hee:) i don mind receiving lots of this cos mine usually don last longer than 2yrs
-book( 这些年二哥哥很想你By 九把刀)
-bag? watch? but i hven found the one i'm looking for
oh, starting frm this yr, i want to make donation every yr on my birthday. i haven decide on the organisation yet. 得到别人的祝福是件很幸福的事 传递祝福是件更有意义的事 give&receive, anyone interested to join me can let me know. or you can do that on your birthday too, it'll be meaningful:)
Saturday, August 07, 2010

Friday, August 06, 2010
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010!/album.php?aid=186945&id=733014289
proceed to the link for more photos :)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
the lastest hotel deveoped in Singapore. and i get to enjoy a night stay at there for FREE, thnks!! Twr 3 Rm3022, the room is fantastic, very modern chic designs. the toilet is huge and without lock, haha! comfy bed an FLUFFY pillow! its so fluffy i'm gonna die~~~ watch HBO in the room, 21, centre stage, centre stage 2, until 630 am. then we are supposed to wake up at 7 to go swim at the pool but everyone got stuck to the bed. so i missed my sun rise( egg yolk) cos when i getup its alrdy up high in the sky. the view by the pool is great cos it faces the city, can see fullerton, floating platform. wish i could go back again
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
S club 7- Never had a dream come true. this song is attached to my primary school memories. or shld i rightly say, the year when i'm 11-12.
life is interesting, in pri sch, i wasnt in the very smart class, had problem staying awake but overall results not too bad. then surprisingly, i got into the top 3 class in pri 3. but i drop out of the class the following year. then i drop further in pri 5 even though i had improve. but now, i'm glad that i drop to 5KI, cos i met rally good friends there. we are close with the teachers and the whole class is united for 2 years before we graduate. that time i cant imagine my life without my clique, how am i to survive the 4yrs in sec?
but alas, time do help ppl to adapt to changes. even though most of us are in the same sch but we are in diff class, and slowly you find them difting away. just when i thought i lose some, God gave me more. the days in Sec sch really shines especially with netball. one netball brings about a 6yrs plus friendship. i know it will be still counting gals:)
not the typical goody good students, we play hard, help out in events, orgainse some, lead the sch, had surprises, play pranks, disobey the guards and once we almost fight with gangs! most of the teachers like us cos of our enthusiasm and initiative. did alot of things i nvr imagine i wld have done, ah~~~memories
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
its theme park day! we had dim sum breakfast in the morning,the auntie had attitude prob again-.- but we all learn one thing: patience then queue up for tickets(movie & theme park) and off we go! 海陆空 we tried all these 3 types of rides, but i think we are in the air more. cockscrew, flying chair, space shoot. also tried the cycle raft(dunno wad its call), pirate train, pirate ship and go kart,indoor roller coaster and bumper car! eat dinner shop awhile then off we go for our movie: karate kid.
day 3
leaving today, shop we only manage to shop awhile then go for our flying coaster before heading back to check out. just when we thought we were going to leave at 2.30 our bus ride shifted to 3.30, rush back to play one last time arcade and eat ice-cream. the trip back also took 7hrs, on the way i space out, saw alot of plantations and 3 buffaloes.
my first oversea trip with friends, it start well and end well. that is one happy memory an i want to go back to play all the rides again!
day 1.
aft having only sleeeping for like 2hrs, we woke up at 5 to wash up. thanks sy for driving us there. aft we board the bus, its sleeping time all the way to checkpoint. thats where the queueing time starts. aft 7 hrs of ride, we finally reach Genting Highlands. first meal at there= KFC. then spend about one hr to queue for check in. rest awhile and its shopping time! walk ard the shops, look see look see. then meet some ppl who gives us attitude prob.had dinner at the foodcourt, then play haunted advanture. pay money to get frightened by scary things. then archery, its fun!! late night arcade-ing being rambo or some nba player shooting hoops or race like a F1 racer. our day ended at 3am.
tml cont day 2
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
boss: guifeng ah, can you help me CHECK cpf how to calculate your pay?
me: huh? *wad?! check again!!!*
boss: i don want to short change you all
me: .....ok...
boss: you know right, my camera and your camera is the same...
me: ya * so wad went wrong with you d5000 again*
boss: how come i take pic now, come out is 3 shots ah?
me: you need to change the settings * set in multiple shots of cos come out 3 larh, duh...*
boss: oh, then monday aft you come down collect the cheque help me change the setting
me: o.O i wont be in Spore
boss: oh whr you go? when are you coming back?
me: oversea, tue night
boss: then you come on wed lor
me: wed i got meeting*you think i super free everyday sit at home wait for money to fly in ah*
boss: then when you can make it
me: nxt fri * almst vomit blood alrdy*
boss: ok, nxt fri you come collect then help me change
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
sleep till 12plus also die die don want to wake up. wake up go downstair to get screen protectorsss(dunno why both gadgets came off tgt)and my lunch= a packet of $2 soup(save $$$) from 2plus to 5 stoning then napping and stoning(cycle goes on...) 5plus on laptop watch HAPPY SUNDAY.this show is on air in 2003 -2004 start to watch till 7, eat dinner watch the show. then go organize folders in my laptop till now. haven start serious studying at all. how?!?!?!!!?!?!?!
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Friday, June 04, 2010
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
OMG day. today i wish i was in taiwan to watch SHE is the one concert. but i cant because i cant fly there w/o parents permission and not enough money plus no more tickets liao. but i receive a HUGE surprise, SELINA REN has reveal her relationship with the lawyer. OMG!!! i wish you hapiness, princess!!! to the lawyer: you better treat our princess well, if not becareful of the thousands thousands of fans out thr. hmmm wonder when its HEBE and ELLA turn?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
i cnt believe that his words hurt me so much! im still angry at the thought of it. i felt so wronged and who is he to comment abt my character! ARRGRGRGRHHHH!!!!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
ystd concert, damn high!! it was really fun, Hebe is high cos she did talk more than usual. the crowd is also good, everyone had red light sticks and when the lights went out, its a red sea:) i love it when the whole crowd sing along damn loudly and it happen quite a few times ystd! SHE say the crowd singing is good,haha!!
aft SHE concert, wait for MJ cos she's at MAyday,so SH and i manage to see the fireworks at Mayday concert. then we went to see SHE off at the back exit. I saw them in the car thrgh the damn tinted glass panels. i must say, with them around, my eyesight is suddenly so crystal clear. three of us plus HT cab down to Aver hse. meet AC at the bus stop and soend the night at Aver hse. haha!! she git a shock when we tell her we had a gathering and she is the only one not here yet. watch SHE's the MAn till 5plus 6 am in the morning before i sleep for 3 hrs
Q at PS 12pm, sun bloody hot, Q bloody long till istana alrdy. sleep in my Q cos from 12 to 5 is a long long wait. SH come find me at 230, had lunch and play monopoly to kill time. then 5 we were move closer to the stage but too short cant see them sing, all i do is HEAR! and everyone is sweaty,it really crowded that you can move w/o walking. spend abt 1hr plus in the suffocating crowded b4 i get to SHE.
OMG, this is thte first time they say smth other than 'thank you' to me.
seating arrangement: Ella,Selina,Hebe
i walk up then first is Ella, she sign then look up, shake hand, saw my 'UP' t-shirt and exclaim: so cute~!
then Selina heard then she sign, shake hand and said the name of 'UP' in chinese with the super cute voice.
lastly its Hebe, she didnt say anything but she keep looking at my shirt but she did smile at me when i shake her hands.
woah, my shirt had just gotten their attention, thats so cool~~!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
SHE is the one concert, the wait doesnt seem as long as the previous time because of the eventful happening that i went thrgh everyday at work, made me so tired that i have no time to sleep. but i believe tml wld be a great night, the concert that i have been waiting since last yr Oct,SHERO!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saw Jay Chou concert advertisment, start selling o 14 Apr. must faster go buy, wah the there goes my $440. and this yr i thinki watch alot of concert when its not even half a year past. SHE,SHOW,JAY money ah$$$$$$$
Thursday, April 08, 2010
ystd went to penisular to meet MJ and HT, cheat my feelings made me walk around to look for them. guess what, they 2 of them were singing twinkle twinkle little star and bah bah black sheep on the bus, comparing if the 2 song share the same melody.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
18Apr, SHE vs AVER
regardless which one i choose, i wont be 100% happy on that day
i miss the times when we were so free, if you have notice(maybe you didnt/dont care/dont bother) i dont organise outings now anymore(excluding the birthdays)
no bball
no movies
no bbq
no more outings that requires getting more than 5 other ppl.
now,for the birthdays, even getting 5 ppl is tough, to fix a date is especially blood boiling!aft fixing the date, still have to come up with the events for the day.
everytime its me who start emailing,then reply is not "okay, lets do XXXXX" but "i not free leh" or "what we do that day".
buying presents also a BIG problem, cos its always the same few ppl to think of what to buy for every year.
eveyone gives the same reason, im very busy. ya, you busy, she busy, he also very busy, so i look like the DAMN SUPER CAREFREE one larh!!
then when im busy, i got chided. when i had to work on new year eve, i became the party spoiler, im a christmas spoiler too cos i work on that day. turn up late for movies also got nagged at just becos i didnt leave work on time. Im just an employee and now a lowly paid attachee, can put yourselves in my shoes?? im not the BOSS.
the only time im not saddled with all this plannings and frustrations is on my birthday. IF my birthday also brings you such frustrations and difficulty, do away with it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
stop sticking gold onto your face, you wldnt turn into a priceless statue that millionairs wld bid for, stop telling us how much we will benefit by learning from you cause i haven see that result as you heave boasted, stop acting like a nobel man in taking us into your company cos you are not, if you are, you wld have gotten the Nobel Prize and shut your mouth up on bullshiting all this crap to me.
3 big issues he hinted:
lunch time
whats wrong with having hr lunch time? its the norm practices thrghout all offices, some even had 2 hrs. don tell me you finsh your lunch in 2mins, thats crap! besides you always had someone to buy for you, mind you, we had to buy our own food and not being serve like a master.
leaving at 6pm
fyi, we nvr leave at 6 on the dot on days you werent in. we only start to pack at 6, by the time we step out, its alrdy 6.05pm. why shldnt we leave at 6pm? i was told by the letter send by sch, don think i'll be scared just cos you are a lawyer. excuse me, im not a layman in law, i learn the basic and i know my rights. dont start telling me, when you have a passion for your work, you wldnt mind leaving at 9pm. talk to me agian if you are going to share your 1~2% commission with me, i might CONSIDER, if not just SHUT UP! i'm only taking $440 allowance/mth from you, why shld i work like someone who is earning the commission.
aft work time
now you start to preach that aft work we shldnt think of relaxing,go dating etc. we shld spend time reading up on info, blah blah blah... then let me ask, other than work, dont your life revolve ard your kids? bring them go watch movies, jurong safra and all whats not. HEY! if you can enjoy family time why we cant? my purpose here is to learn as much as i can within 7weeks, you have NO RIGHT to interfere with what im going to do aft 6pm. and for so many days i have been leaving at 630,7,7plus, its all no OT okay!!
can you pls learn how to search for info thrgh the net? don act like an idiot, MOM, jurong safra, cpf, high court,credit cards and all rubbish, they are all available in google. if you know how to go espn star and liverpool website, i see no reason why you dk how to use google to search, you are just plain lazy! this is what image you protray to me when you keep asking me to search all these.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
grandparents, ppl usually have a maximum of 4, 2 grandmas,2 grandpas. For me, i'm special cos i have another 2. we are not blood related, not of the same race nor the same religion, but i see them as grandparents. Is this feasible? Why not? they are my old neighbors. For 30yrs, they watch my mum grow up, getting married, the growing up of my brother and I. For my whole 19yrs, i see them every single day,every CNY they will give us red packet, hari raya, they will share their food with us. i cant converse in malay, so we dont have long talks, only brief chat, always they will say, study hard, you are smart girl etc, always encouraging.
granny passed away ystd night at the hospital,i know she wldnt have any more suffering now. maybe she has become an angel,maybe she met my other grandmums,maybe..
today, i cried during breakfast, on the bus ride to work and now typing this. But aft today, i wont cry anymore when thinking of you, granny, because you are always a happy lady, i want to rmb you in a happy way.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
tsk tsk tsk, must go find another part time job now. then got money to spend and save. waiting for my account to pass the $2000 mark, maybe next month can make it:)
just nw shopping at Suntec, found this shoe shop, Daphne, endorse by SHE in taiwan. at first i was talking to joyce then i saw a pic that look super familiar, its SHE on the cover of the shoe box, no wonder look so familiar. then i look up, eh! is this shop, haha!! went in to look ard, quite ex leh, took a pic too
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
i'll be back, barrage! wait till daddy modify the kite
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
now im going to be super familiar with landed properties in district 10. everynight i sleep, i see lot nos running thrgh my mind
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
ya..some idiotic guy call for my password to vaio. dumb, why dont ask when i sent it?
yea~~! byebye PJM, we shall NOT meet again!! haha, i rmb nothing for this module except " i'm dying~~~ lalalala" on my tutorial 8:) shall post a picture of it
i saw Lian Jie todday!! hee=) had a nice chat with her, haah..missed the time we worked together. nvm, ask her out for dinner someday.
my jacket...will it have sale aft CNY?? if not $65 flying away soon~~
Friday, February 05, 2010
yea...this is the second day w/o my vaio. its a training on my patience man, thats all i can say. then next week no sch but got tests, so laptop spoil so no reason to not study hard. sianzz and i have to get by my days by reading my james patterson novels. i hope its just the cooling fan spoil and not the damn bloddy harddisk
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
feb will be my last mth working @ PSR. well, it time to get back my free time.
down with love attracts me more than the other 2 shows. counting down to new albums and concert~~<3
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
19, so we must do smth different, smth healthier, smth retro, smth that is cheap and fun! so we had a pinic @ PSR park. whoo~! thsnk god for the good weather today! PSR is full of windy cos you can see our photos the hair is all messy. and the best is we got her a fishcake as birthday cake. complete with candle and tag. haha, aft the went arcade and we got chase out cos we were wearing sch shirt(GMS). LOL i feel like telling him, i'm alrdy 18. but we still went to change clothes and last part is surprise ult. brownie addictn from ecake. hahaaha!! we talk alot of our sec sch days, and i'm really proud to have met you guys. lets go back on CNY eh?