Sunday, July 24, 2011

USS on Saturday is damn packed! but thanks to Mr Galvin Pang( my ah chor's lao gong), it's a breeze! the other time i started with the mild rides (Madagascar), this time we started with BSG human followed by cyclone mummy. from intense to mild, then relax, intense, chill and it goes on. 1 whole day spent at USS, sat 3 times of cyclone and 3.5 times of human. 0.5 is because during 1 of the launch, we were stuck on the slope. lucky its at the bottom not top. stayed till 9 to watch the fireworks, beautiful!

Monday, July 11, 2011

this was what i would like to say to my colleagues in TBP, esp my bosses. Well, i'll pen it down and sent it to them personally one day.

"final day, i hope tml they wont ask me to make a speech or smth. cos i dont think i can hold my tears back. i cant say but i can write it down. im not into religion but i must really thank god. he is kind to me. Thank you my bosses for hiring me despite my screwed up interview(personally i think i screwed it up), you gave me chances to be in this family, full of laughter. guide me from scratch, like how one would teach a baby to crawl and then walk."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My 1st CMO Fun&bonding at TBP. we had paintball at bottletree park, yishun there. i guess everyone had fun. i make use of the chance to take photo with everyone cos tuesday would be my last day.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

你的人生有遗憾吗? 有人说 遗憾见证了生命 没有人一生毫无遗憾 没有人会有所谓的完美人生 我想在这快20年的人生 我有一些小小的遗憾 如果用工读书一点。。。 如果能拨多一点时间陪亲人。。。 如果能勇敢一点。。。如果。。。 生命难免有如果 但是让我从新来过 我可能还是会做同样的选择 因为这些造就了现在的我 虽然不见得很了不起 但至少我懂得珍惜每一刻 我学会活在当下