Sunday, December 09, 2012

Finally exams are over!! really cant believe it, i actually took an exams only attending like half of what is being taught in lectures. i must be mad to get myself into such situation. anyway, air is fresher for me now. can finally breathe my S.H.E and Rui En :D

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy kids! After waiting for 2years & 8mths, we finally got our hands on this long awaited CDs. During this period, i have bought alot more CDs, like Adele, Lana, Yoga, Rui En, of cause not forgetting their solo CDs/EPs. All these songs are great but somehow they just cant fill that void in my heart, cant satisfy my ears. its their harmonization, that is smth that i cant find it elsewhere.

Fate is really smth that i find amazing. a group of us just got together because of a ring, a 10th Anniversary S.H.E ring. i really cherish this

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Appraisal is like a conclusion for the whole year. It's not about how well you feel that you have perform but how much your bosses see. To achieve the latter is rather tiring because you have to keep thinking of how to score brownie points. Well, not that i dunno all these but rather i don want to do this. Everyone has different values, they place focus on different things, it can be material or emotional. I hope to stay true to myself regardless of anything

Sunday, October 28, 2012


that's my motto for now! 决不放弃

Saturday, October 27, 2012

S.H.E - 花又開好了 (官方短版MV)

终于思念的人相聚 Yes! We are Back! 回来了,终于有新歌了
没有SHE的2年8个月 只有田馥甄的陪伴 听歌的路因她而扩充 加上后来的宥嘉跟瑞恩
这一次,听sneak peek时,我真的以为是抒情歌 后来听完整版才知道后面是点音 有人觉得不好但我觉得这才象SHE。总是出其不意的个我们惊喜,旋律其实很强 歌词也很贴切 然后就一直烙印在脑海里 MV还有跳现代舞 曾经以为在也不会看到三人跳舞 每想到这一次就有[舞] 这[舞]是用2年8个月的艰辛换来的

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Eversince , i have been 'poisoned' by Rui En.She is like a slow effect drug. I grew up watching Ch 8 dramas but with the introduction of INTERNET, i have been watching less and less of them. However, i realised i watch quite a number of the shows that she starred in. And now with the 'sudden' into-ness, i went to wiki all about her, dig out all the dramas to rewatch, read all the mag covers. It dawned me that the reports in the past is super biased against her, with everyone rating her down, labelling her but it just makes her success now EVEN sweeter. To me, i can see beneath the superficial her *not that i have psychic powers or what la* She's actually quite child-like, sweet & thoughtful. Must really thank the EP who approach her for Unriddle where she met Chen Li Ping, it brought out the funny side of her. Her laughter is getting to be more contagious like CLP. Those behind-the-scenes are really bonus to getting to see the other side of Rui En.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just not my day today! Poor lil finger hurting like mad cos it got caught by the damn toilet door! Maybe it's karma for taking a free bus ride to sch. Had the first seminar aka tutorial where we suppose to prepares for the group work to be presented next week. Hell not, this is insane! A lit review to be submitted on 3 oct and I only know half of what was taught. I must be insane to enrol myself into this course!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 21st to myself! This year specially held parties on 2 separate weekends. A big thank you to all my guests who takes time out to attend. It was memorable:) other than the private party, also a big thank you to my colleagues! Although it is a one-month affair but this month it's only me! This year, besides receiving gifts, I have decided to embark on a meaningful journey, to sponsor a child. This is not a one time action and my contribution is towards the well being of the whole sponsored community. I hope more people will join me on the journey, let's spread the love around!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Joys of Life 花样人间 插曲 《牵挂》MV 瑞恩 小鬼 原唱 Duet by Rui En & Xiao Gui

最近很迷的一部戏,花样人间! 这就是所谓天时地利人和吧,整个剧的搭配真是赞!而也让人看到不一样的瑞恩 越来越喜欢她了!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

6月23日 金曲奖

馥甄风光入围7项然后扛龟 当下很闷觉得评审耳朵是不是坏掉了?!眼睛瞎掉 整个人生逊掉!搞什么嘛 让她坐在那里一整晚 当陪跑啊 整场金曲奖下来也就属SHE最精彩

对,当晚好像的确抱着只要SHE演出成功得奖之事没那么重要了 歌迷几近疯狂的尖叫 H几乎是清唱的LOVE E动感十足的坏女孩 S温暖人心的感谢爱我的每个人 然后合体霸气的SHERO和久违摇滚SUPERSTAR 在加上落幕的"WE ARE BACK" 9:11的表演好像是天意宣告女王的回归 落幕后的拥抱 赚了多少人的热泪 555天的心酸冷暖只有她们知道 这一路多么艰难

那晚我没哭 很难相信吧 但是真的 那晚馥甄的LOVE应该足以消除评审对她的刻板印象 她来自偶像团体但这团体是有实力的 那天所有的造型都很美难的啊 虽然没能上台但摄影师很爱take她 所以感觉没差

其实金曲奖对我来说没什么 只是有了她们才特别 得不得都不重要 应为她们人气买气都兼聚

Thursday, June 14, 2012


美好的一天从08.06.12开始,第一次去接机。看到馥甄时 真的呆掉了。拍了5张她只在角落,哦my天! 不过09.06我们算啦风!红配绿 狗臭屁嘛!超强眼的,大家都在看我们。那晚,很棒,现场功力就是歌姬程度。观众也很热情幽默调皮,馥甄每个talking都会笑。馥甄啊,你的真是我的最爱。10.06,又是第一次,第一次送机。等待总是漫长不过还是等到了。这样?新加坡很热情吧? 追到二楼去了,吓一跳了吼?


Sunday, June 03, 2012

2 June: finally gotten my driving licence! woohoo~~~!! thank you Mr Yeo!! now im waiting for the scholaship notice, interview this week? hope i can know asap to arrange and prepare myself. tmr must go make payment loh...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's been long yea... yesterday had a good news? i was offerred a place in SIM. well, that should be good news cos i only apply for that 1 course and i go it. it could be a better news if they could let me know my scholarship result. that's the frustration for me now.

work is hectic, we are not on the same boat, its same rocket, okay! things here moves faster like dunno by how many times. i dunno if its the right choice to take part time now.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Sunday, May 06, 2012

2011, 2012, someday....

我希望她们幸福 而她们也陆续找到了幸福,在那分别的特别日子里

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Everyone is telling that i look happier back then. this makes me very puzzled, am i turning numb till i cant feel for myself? what makes them think that what they feel is what i actually feel.
They said i was very close to the a&p team there, truth is i am also close to the a&p team here. 9 mths over there, the bond has been built. For my own team, yes, i am close to them back there in TBP. I am also close to SS & LF when in LC. Now it's a new team, i tried to integrate but it wasnt accept by the other party. There were miscomm, friction but alot of relationship start out like this too. transfering me back, you said i would be happier, 3/5 of the team has changed, it's not the same anymore.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

3D2N Taiwan

yes, it's extremely short i know... but that's all the time we have.. it feels great to be back in Taiwan. Simply love it...although the streets names are quite alien to me & the conversation is all in chinese. Not implying that my chinese sucks but hey, there is also Singapore version and Taiwanese version so bound to have differences.

Yang Ming Shan
Bo Pi Liao Lao Jie
Cheng Pin
Wu Fen Pu
Hu Xu Zhang Lu Rou Fan
Xi Men DIng
Taipei 101
Taipei Main Station Underground Mall

Friday, March 30, 2012

兜兜转转我还是回到了原点 我承认在那是有些不愉快不过我没有主动提出调职。对于流言我也确实有些动怒。

Sunday, March 04, 2012

it's been long since i blog..oh well, nothing has changed much...or maybe there is..
she is still 2-faced, the other one is deep, he should be clueless, i tried to distance, smiles are gone, some can see, laughter is past, icy cold spreads, she is hinting, words spread, everyone's talking, no one to listen..

yea, no one to listen... sometimes it's not about advices. it might be nitty gritty stuffs but once it's been snowballed, it's gets bigger. i think i need a getaway

Monday, February 20, 2012

hmmm... finally finish attending two 21st party for 2 months straight. yea! time for rest... currently looking at uni courses, back to school time! omg! i still don know what to choose. plus i want to go overseas, taiwan! i want to go back there...

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

i am neither here nor there. i cant find my existence in the team. so much for dynamics and communications.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

大年初四 就一个红色炸弹从天而降
嘉桦要结婚了!真替她开心!你一定要幸福哦!因为你值得拥有 (有广告嫌疑)

真的很讨厌那些说爱她 但在她宣布喜讯时不但不给予祝福 还有不看好的态度
爱她不是要真心希望她好吗? 简直是伪粉!

随着嘉桦结婚 距离我要崩溃的消息就更进一步了
我的田馥甄 等你宣布的那天我会晕厥大哭

Sunday, January 01, 2012


1月:看了2场LOVE!To Hebe 音乐会 + 签唱会
11月:田馥甄weekend,Sundown Fest(日晒雨淋) + 签唱会(为了排很前面牺牲了睡眠) 这次排队的总数名列前茅
12月:全家一起出国虽然只是2天1夜,My Love庆功演唱会台北场连办2天 然我期待新加坡场的 + 任家萱二度摆酒 (又有美美的新娘和伴娘) & EP
