Friday, July 12, 2013

I had ppl telling me straight in my face that my generation are a new breed of work force. We focus a lot on having work-life balance. I don't deny that fact because it has got to do with the environment we are brought up. Our era is a fast moving information period, technology evolved and brings about faster or more 'real time' information. And these things became accessible easily. With the invention of smartphones, the convenience levels brings up to a whole new stage. While it brings a whole lot of positives, the negatives do tag along. Whatsapp, email just make it even easier for bosses to assign you work even on a weekend. How great does that sounds? Some may argue that it is urgent, but think about it. If it was in the older days, nothing seem urgent. You can always do it on the coming Monday. So why is people getting more and more impatient and wants things to be done so quickly according to them? Does waiting that 2 days kills? I just feel being exploited because of these convenience. Work is never ending, if it does ends it means you are out of job dude. So why be so impatient and wanting people to complete work on weekends? Shouldn't it be use on more meaningful things like spending time with your loved ones or doing something that you like, non-work related, relax and enjoy. We are humans not robots. I'm here to work not selling my life to the job.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013


Long overdue post on Taiwan trip. It's not the shortest but i must say it had been the craziest of all! 
Through a ring, an idol, a random KTV cum Christmas celebration, we met, we talk we became friends. It just click like a matching set of lock and key. If not for them, I wouldn't have imagine myself going all the way to Taiwan watching SHE concert. Don't get me wrong, it has always been my dream to catch their concert at Taiwan. But if there's no like-minded people, I doubt I would go alone. So thank you to them for helping me with this ;) I must say our first trip together is pretty good, lets do it again!