Friday, September 30, 2011

everyone has a certain degree of knowing themselves. i wont say i understand myself 100% but i know im a perfectionist at certain things. i know how much it means to me so i will do whatever it takes to make sure it's gonna be perfect. Another thing is i dont like to trouble others, but now i'm like bringing in all the trouble and it sucks! BUT i'm not going to crumple like this, i will be stronger! Fight back!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

it's a hectic week. everyday got appointment to meet prospects, fall sick but cannot take leave. still got arrows flying ard. suddenly just feel tired, physically & mentally. maybe its due to the medicine

思念太猖狂 一个冷不防 一想起你 忙碌的生活变得空荡荡

Saturday, September 17, 2011

it's been 6months into work. stress level is up, doing my first AMM presentation this coming tue. had research to do, special kit to do and so many things~! life is occupied by work

也许你只是生命中的过客 也许是我不够勇敢

Thursday, September 15, 2011

但这样好像就不是人生了 人生之所以精彩也许就是因为它无法从来 有些东西一旦错过就没有了 所以常听到要活在当下珍惜每一刻
有些话不说以后可能没机会或没必要说了 但如果说了却得不到你想要的结局 让原本的变质甚至失去 你还会说吗?

人在每隔一段期间应该做一个总结把自己归零 然后再从新出发

Saturday, September 10, 2011


你们从不认识我 基本上我们也没什么对话可言
静静的 远远的 守护着 支持着
有时还会不自觉的嘴角上扬 心情愉快
我想是因为爱 有点像Guardian Angel的爱吧

偶尔怨天怨地 心痛难过
说真的 这十周年很苦 但在苦我都会带着笑祝福
因为这一苦过后 我们还会有很多甜蜜
S.H.E 生日快乐!!! 你们要幸福!