Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Okay.. I tried to refrain from reading the spoiler but well, couldn't hold it.. Guess it isn't any thing bad cos I would definitely watch it on TV anyway :) the spoiler is really brief and it doesn't satisfy me so I guess still have to hold onto Saturday for the preview ;) Huang Zhijie jiayou!!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

是人心险恶还是我有被害妄想症?我很不屑费神去玩勾心斗角的把戏 你所看到的永远只是一部分的我 是我想让你看到的部分 当你让我分不清你是敌或友 我对你的信任会自动下降

Monday, February 04, 2013

今天 第一天少了5个月来的邻居 感觉很奇怪 好像少了个知己

读着过往的心情日记 想起了某个他 想起自己不想有遗憾决定勇敢的跟他要了电话号码 开始简讯 每一次都再找借口主动开话题 虽然没有明说"我喜欢你" 但已经明示到周围的人都看得出 没有任何回应 我也只好放弃 没有结果难免失落 但我还是要祝你幸福
I have been asked, "have you plan for romance?" That was smth I got stumped on.. Oh, you mean this is smth that can be plan? Well, after hearing her out, it does make some sense. What planning means is to be prepared, be at your best all time then when Mr Right comes you are ready. Sounds like business acumen.. Anyway stepping into 21, this year Ang pow comes with certain terms and conditions I guess.