Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 21st to myself! This year specially held parties on 2 separate weekends. A big thank you to all my guests who takes time out to attend. It was memorable:) other than the private party, also a big thank you to my colleagues! Although it is a one-month affair but this month it's only me! This year, besides receiving gifts, I have decided to embark on a meaningful journey, to sponsor a child. This is not a one time action and my contribution is towards the well being of the whole sponsored community. I hope more people will join me on the journey, let's spread the love around!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Joys of Life 花样人间 插曲 《牵挂》MV 瑞恩 小鬼 原唱 Duet by Rui En & Xiao Gui

最近很迷的一部戏,花样人间! 这就是所谓天时地利人和吧,整个剧的搭配真是赞!而也让人看到不一样的瑞恩 越来越喜欢她了!