Wednesday, December 31, 2008
ystd went to Parkway to shop. go best denki and harvey norman to find a new laptop cos the one i using now will be left at home. look through a series of laotops, compac, hp, acer, dell, asus, fuji, toshiba and sony. haix.....human born weakness: prefer things that LOOKS beautiful. i still rmb someone told me/i told someone sony laptops only looks good and they are not as good as some other brand. in the end? i still bought a vaio[vainity is the biggest weakness of all....] haven officially have it cos out of stock. and because of choosing the laptop i walk to and fro from best to harvey from dunno how many times. thus, late for dental. that auntie keep chiding me then i have to wait there for 2 hrs, sian!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
in a few mins time, x-mas is here!! today went out to meet up for the exchange presents. went to eat at asian kitchen, got xiao long pau! haha! then aver told us the story of a mad woman, sick sia. if i there i make sure she end up in police station! got cookies to eat, bake by sh and aver yummy! aft that ht and i went to bugis, almost got stuck at the traffic light there, so crowded! like packed sardin. ht: i'll use it when i drive next time and my hse will have the full collection of winnie the pooh and friends!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
went out with mj xd to toast box find lian xiao fen at Chinatown so we went to eat claypot rice, stingray and sotong! the stingray and sotong is nice spicy! but the claypot rice a bit too much, cannot finish. went back super tired.
went out with mj and goh sisters, sh siyun. shop for x-mas presents! walk alot of places to find and eat non stop, haha eat till broke! in the end found wad we want and everyone bought a shirt for papa(s). acc mj take 100 home, so many ppl!!
save money and conserve energy= stay at home. make onde onde again cos last time not so successful. haha this time round taste even better! but make onde onde doesnt conserve energy! past few days watching the forensic heros 2. haven finsh watching, this is one of the show that i like, damn cool! thanks mj!
went Chinatown to find mama and didi. have lunch at there, shop around. saw a bilabong wallet, quite nice, quite fit to wad i've in mind but $40. didnt really want to buy cos its ex but still bought it anyway! haha! scare next time i want then no more le, just like my book=(
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
so if i know i cant do it, why didnt i listen in the first place!!!!
dumb ass with a [thick skull + hard ear=stubborn] this fits me so perfectly in this shit situation
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Man utd draw in champions league with villareal again. but they did manage to get into knockout stage. i didnt watch the match but my dad did. i happen to wakeup at night and caught a glimpse of the results. i'm addicted to playing psp now!! =)
this is compose by a girl. its a gift from her to her boyfriend b4 she pass away. well, i hope everything about this video is true cos its really touching.
sianzzz, today got gardening, don feel like going but got common test so no choice. i prefer to stay at home.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
today is BCE day. so stay at home to attend lessons. at first i thought for TEC, Dr Tan is going to show some economy videos filmed by proffessionals. but when i open the file, it was actually him filming wad he does as usual in lectures, i was like argghh, kill me please or maybe i shld see a doc?! then aft finishing MES quiz, i took the bike and cycle to Sing Post to collect my limited edition stamps. inside got $6.60 worth of stamps[only 6 of them, 1=$1.10] 3 postcards a retro version album[which means i got 2 of the albums le] a tote bag and a certificate. its say there are only 1000 of these in the world[becos it is produced by only SIngapore] i paid $75.90. aft deducting the album and bag, the stamps and postcards cost $41.10. but the value is only $6.60, which means that the cost of producing the stamps and postcards is$34.50. since there is 1000 sets, mine seems to be the 0969th set. whoever got the 0911th is DAMN DAMN DAMN lucky man!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
ystd, i PON sch!! hahaha! that is just so me. call mama and she ask me to bring her specs to her office when i was like for for bus to go town. so i hop onto 66, knowing that it will bring me home. aft that mama call me say she taking half day leave so i dont need to go home, but i alrdy on the bus le and i dunno 66 take which route. wait wait wait, then i saw 'TEKKA' familiar name. soon i realised i've ended up in little india! dots....walk from there to bugis sia, so far la. meet mama at chinatown and we go sing Kbox! aft that go home very tired -.-
Monday, November 03, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
gardening isnt wad you think, its an abstract module. like an art, that's wad he said. he made us print 15 pages of story and we are supposed to answer qns based on the story. sounds familiar? its a combination of literature, history, comprehension. the story is about gardening in ancient GREEK, how FUN -.-" maybe things get better when we start on our project. nvr belittle designing stuffs, they are not as easy as you think.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
aft that we went shopping. tml need to wake up early -.-
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
ystd went to collect Jay Chou's album with mj and joyce. his songs are great and i love it. duno why but i wont get sick of listening to S.H.E and Jay songs!
To Shi hui, Aver and those in JCs: heys peeps, i know a lvl chinese is coming up and pw is a killer but jiayou! dun stress yourself too much k. give yourself some 'breathing' space, you can do it! =)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
now i need some suggestion. got this limited promotion- a S.H.E retro album + Stamps= $59.90 -a tote bag= $19.90($15.90 when you order both) should ii buy or not? ps( stand a chance to win tickets to meet them )
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
i know i've been selfish to agree to the children's day trip to sentosa cos i don even know whether i can make it. trust me, i really want to go. but for now, i guess everything will be on hold for me.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
yea!! sat can play bball!! sianzz today i call sembawang [PP and Funan] MJ.i want to ask them whether they got preorder for the album anot, PP:i haven even ask they say they taking stock today...???wad does that mean?? then Funan MJ say haven start then not sure when will start..
found someone who can help you preorder with autograph $46. SIAO!! so ex!! give me autograph also no use, later S.H.E come, 我不就没有借口去看她们??feel like asking my cousin in Taiwan to go check the price, see got difference anot, but troublesome leh..aiya! don care liao, 23/9 is battle day. die die must buy!!!!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
today is my papa birthday. ystd went to OG to buy present for him. bought him a goldlion polo tee. wah! 1 tee $40 sia! and i pay leh!!! hahah! then went home to fetch my mama back, cos my house doesnt give us a sense of security! make a birthday card for dad. cont to do my woodcraft, a ferris wheel and a rolling auto-mobile. the ferris wheel damn cute and can move!! yea!! but my hse got no space to display! tml dunno whether can yu gou S.H.E new album anot.if no preorder=no sense of security!![为什么我的生活好像缺乏安全感???] Jay Chou got write song for them! and guess whos the person who pen the lyrics?? Hebe?? NO!!! Selina!!! huh....why not Hebe?? i like JH and Double S=D and Thurs is their 7th birthday!! wah!!! i'm so excited!! peeps, are you all going to play bball on Sat??
ps: mj, ac & ht, you guys made my tagboard soo lively!!! thanks!! =D
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
ystd turns out to be the nightmare of my life. my mum got robbed in the lift. i'll nvr forget the scene, i wait for my mum at home. whenever she comes back, i'll rush to open the door for her when i hear the keys jingle. but ystd, instead of jingle i heard her calling me with weak voice. i didnt know wad happen. wad greeted me is a shock, smth i couldnt believe. mummy say she was robbed. that bloody bastard robber together with his fucking brainless girlfriend rob my mum. but wad angered me most is he bloody hell threw a punch at my mum. at that time, i was loss. part of me want to chased aft the fucking pair, another part of me says i should stay with my mum.
my mum loss her handbag, her wallet containing $50 plus cash, 2 atm cards, i/c and the diamond pedant that i bought last yr. losses due to his actions: my dinner, 5 hrs spent at CGH, taxi fares, hospital bills and dinner cum supper+early breakfast= eating MacDonalds at 12plus am.
ppl should learn to ount their blessing and i did. althought its an unfortunate event but its a blessing that no knife or any sharp weapon was used, it happen near home and mummy is okay now except for a swollen bump on her left cheek.
to the robbers: you better pray that the police catch you first. or else i wallop you upside down inside out before handing you over. and btw, the law you broke: robbery WITH assualtion and smoking in the lift. wash your butts clean and get ready to stay in Changi 'chalet'.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
haha, today is my birthday!! yea! and i'm happy.went to Jurong point to shop and i saw weide qiao!! then MJ SH HT Aver came to my hse to celebrate my birthday. haha! so the video is wad happen partly in my hse. me with a nerd specs! then got the presents they give me. Mj paint my nails blue! she got lousy skills but i bao rong her cos she's one of my best suaning target! haha! no la, is best er best er...can don say? XDXDXDXDXDXD then the wooden toys is a present i give myself! CUTE? Thats all for today!! i'm officially 17. 365days more to driving liscence. XD
Friday, August 29, 2008
met aver, jiaxin n alvin at sing post then we head to novena sq. aver and i witness a terrible thing. we were on lvl 2, walking out of the shop. then we heard screams of a little girl and we saw her. hanging on the handrails outside of the escalator. b4 we could rush there to help, she free fall right b4 our eyes. we got a shock! but luckily she only suffered a cut on her hand. if only we were fast enough, she wldnt have fall.
well, cos i've learned ELS. i still rmb wad mr wee said. so i look around escalator and stuff. the designs were all up to standard, so it isnt the mall's fault. we heard ppl saying that she had probably cling onto the handrails outside the escalator on lvl 1, then the handrails brought her up to lvl 2. thats when there's a glass panel to prevent ppl from lvl 2 to fall off. she got stuck there and in panic she let go her hands.
moral of this accident: keep little kids close to you. nvr let them wander around.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
click on this link.
that link is to one of S.H.E lastest song that will be in the new album. its called 沿海公路的出口。at first when i saw this link, i was this real or wad. aft hearing and checking this shld be real unless got ppl can 模仿their vocals until so real. although only 30s but this song is great. i love it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
need to save $$$$ now cos jay chou album coming out soon, then S.H.E Jr comic book, S.H.E's album....all need $$$$!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
oh ya, thnks everyone! haha! our class celebrated birthdays today, for August and September babies. yummy cake!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
i've witnessed the ugly and disgusting side of the human nature. greed is every human weakness and its not immune between family members, scheming and cunning, trying to lay their hands on every cents they can. this is the most ridiculous thing that i've seen and i'm disgusted! i wont want to see you again, cos by then, i wont be able to control wad i'm going to say. its going to be nasty but its the FACT!
Monday, August 18, 2008
this is wad happen in my dream: i met some hairstylists, those pro type one. they say bring me go meet artistes, wah damn happy! go one place then i saw 3 very familiar ppl, S.H.E. i went crazy! we[me included] supposed to go to dunno where and because got so many ppl, they say take my car. [huh!? since when i drive?] i just went and it turn out to be a BMW sports car but the no. of ppl it can take looks more like a BMW lorry. i wasnt drivng, sat at the back and chat with them like friends! soon we reach and everyone got off. i was the last to leave cos i was admiring my car?! then another posh car drove in. the person who came out of the car is JAY CHOU. i was like huh! [jaws dropping] then he took a camera came to my car and start taking pics. i said " er, wad are you doing?"[OMG! talking to jay chou in my dreams feel so real!]
he replied: i'm taking pics of my girlfriend's car[me?!?!] you knw Hebe frm S.H.E?" [ ???? i tot thats my car????] then i woke up. pitch dark, so go back to slp, back into the dream
part 2: jay chou is still there. standing at the exit door of the carpark. i follow him cos i dunno where S.H.E went. pushed open the door there were rooms inside but very spooky. he stop but i cont to walk. i peeped into the nearest room and i saw bodies, dead one. then there were those big white funneral laterns. then got jiang shi chasing me! i run like siao. hop into my car and drive away. my car like shrink to the F1 racing car size. i was on the right hand side but my gear is also on right hand side?[werid car] i dunno why my car got 3 pedals just like my dad's lorry. its manual and i actually knw how to control! i was driving around S'pore happily until mommy woke me up. shiok right? haha!! super crazy!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
okay, i know i shldnt say this things and like wad adults like to say: kids shldnt interfer with adults affair. but that doesnt mean i cant voice out my opinons on MY BLOG! because my granduncle doesnt have kids so the funneral is arrange by the FEE family[my side] and the Siew family[all nephews and nieces]. a female from there is like the head appointed by my granduncle, but i can tell you i dont fancy her, not even an atom bit. everytime i see her, i dont even call. my parents do teach me manners and i do practise it but not to her. i dont usually hate someone whom i dont know personally. but her face, character, attitude every single thing from head to toe just puts me off. she practically dumps everything to us and behave as though it got nothing to to with her. wads worse, she gossip to her husband about my mum during the cremation ceremony, saying that we dont know this and that. then try to pick a quarrel with my mum by saying nasty things. we, being the civilised, educated ppl, walk off ignoring her. i dont want to see her again.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
and i help my brother packed his OBS bag. why? cos if i didnt help, i wont get to slp till 2 am. haha! so today he went for the OBS at puala ubin. the tv is officially mine for 1 week! hope he enjoy the camp.
7 more days to exams. ARGH!! can i upgrade my memory space to 10G?
Friday, August 08, 2008
and guess wad? here's my ans: " just like me! except that i play netball!" haha!!! i think i 'qi si' her.aiya, its not like i say my brother will do. he do well can le.
aft that we go my hse watch la pi xiao xin, then go MCC play bball till 8 plus. yea!! tml fireworks!! cant wait to see!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
here smth extra: i was taking 21 to dover hospice, near ttsh. then a little boy poo-ed on the bus. the whole lot of passengers rushed to the back of the bus, all pinching their nose. the driver did not notice until quite a few stops after. and me, being the closes to the scene, had a 'wonderful view' of the sh-it and there goes my dinner. =/
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
lots of programmes comming up in AUG!!!
3 aug
kim's farewell party
venue: singapore swimming club
time: 2-6( private event)
8 Aug
venue: GMS
time: 10.30 onwards
all are welcome
9 Aug
watch fireworks
venue: haven decide
18-21 AUG
29 AUG
teachers day celebration
venue: GMS
time: not comfirm
30 AUG
family day
venue: soka association
time: at night
friends are welcome too.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
anyone interested to watch fireworks on 9 aug? details will be reveal on 8/8. hee=)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Ooo, and btw, this is the 123th post!! WAHaHAHAhA
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
for someone like me who slacks, go surfing the net while lecture is on or sleeping, two weeks before tests still doing nothing, left one week i still watching videos on Youtube even though i had watch them for goodness-knows-how-many-times, thinking of going shopping and actually went, everynight went to TTSH to visit my granduncle[ i cant study there cos the moment i sit down i feel drowsy then off i went to dreamland. my dad says i'm sick cos i can almost sleep everywhere,in car, bus, train] , dreaming that i can pass and prove someone wrong and lastly i'm not scared of failing cos i failed alot in sec sch. i'm numb to the feeling of failing.
i only start picking up my lecture notes 2 days b4 tests start. flipping through the book and try to get wadever infomation there into my brain.
ELS-60 PLW-58 BTC-76 hmmhmm, the feeling of passing is GREAT. =D
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
chan mehmeh
Qns; What is your relationship with him/her?
Qns; Your 5 impression of him/her?
blur,like to sing alot,very comical,a nice friend and a fake ah lian!
Qns; The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
she dance with 2 other friends on my birthday!!
Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, you will ... ?
be the Tom Cruise starring in MII 4
Qns; If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improves on?
her acting skills cos she is the female lead! ahahaaha
Qns; If he/she becomes your enemy, you will ...?
be the next Lee Ang directing a moive called Doomsday!
Qns; If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
doomsday is coming
Qns; The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
err, i dunno hehe=)
Qns; Your overall impression on him/her?
funny,crazy,a fun loving girl
Qns; How do you think people around you will feel about you?
who cares? i treat ppl the way they treat me!
Qns; The character you love of yourself are ...?
just be myself, doing things the way i like it
Qns; On the contrary, the character you hate yourself are ...?
lazy lor and always forgetful
Qns; The most ideal person you want to be is?
as long as i stay healthy, happy and a stable business is enough
Qns; For people who care & like you, say something about them.
you guys are great!
Qns; Pass this quiz to 10 people
2.Hui Ting
9.Jia qin
Qns; Who is number six having relationship with ?
i dunno
Qns; Is 9 a male or female?
Qns; If 7&10 are together, will it be a good thing?
i not sure cos they dunno each other
Qns; How about 5&8 ?
same as above
Qns; What's number 2 studying about?
optimetry[ aiya, i forget how to spell]
Qns; When was the last time you chatted with number 3?
quite long ago, on msn
Qns; Is number 4 single?
shld be ba
Qns; Talk something casually about number 1
fernando torres!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
[the differencce between the impossible and the possible lies in DETERMINATION] its a motivational quote send to me by a ex-classmate. i dunno if he will see this but i still want to thank him. =D
happy birthday CK!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
here i am wondering, will our friendship going to last through this three years and for the rest of our life?
so here, i want to say sorry guys, if i had ever throw temper/tantrum at you, it wasnt intentionally and most importantly it wasnt aiming at you. you just happen to be there when the temper of mine 'exploded' and you got 'hit', the one who got hit most is MJ. MJ, you know you are like the link in this grp. you are important! i'll do anything to keep our friendship lasting for life! hee =D
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
a) ppl who have been tagged must write their ans on blogs& replace any question that they dislike with a new question that they formulated by themselves
b) tag 5 ppl to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.
These ppl must state who they are tagged by & cannot tagged the person whom they have tagged by, continue this game by tagging other ppl.
#1 if your lover betray you, wad will your first reaction be?
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what will it be?
meet S.H.E and become friends with them!!! =D
#3 wad will your dream wedding be like?
simple and sweet
#4 are you confuse as to wad lies ahead of you?
#5 wad's your ideal lover like?
someone that has the X-factor that attracts me? haha
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
#7 how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
dunno, it depends.
#8 if the person you secretly like is attached, wad would you do?
remain as friends
#9 is there anthing that made you unhappy these days?
yes! a lot!
#10 are you in love or being loved now?
being loved by my friends and family!
#11 how do you see yourself in ten years' time?
not sure, maybe still like now so crazy or become more matured.
#12 who are currently the most important ppl to you?
my family, friends and S.H.E!! haha!
#13 wad kind of person do you think the person had tagged you is?
person? i was tagged by a pudding! haha, she is fun and cute and tasty! =P
#14 would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
married but poor, maybe i can win ToTo then i'll be rich!!
#15 wad is the first thing you do every morning?
yawn and rub my eyes.
#16 would you give all in a relationship?
#17 if you fall in love with 2 ppl simuntaneously, who would you pick?
impossible, but if have of cos choose the one i love more!
#18 wad type of friends do you like?
my love-ly friends!!
#19 wad type of friends do you dislike?
those that posses all the bad qualities
#20 wad would you name your children in the future?( 1 boy 1 girl)
anything but silly names!
ppl to do:
> Aver
> Dena
> huiyu
> Kevin
>Yi hui
You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
all highlighted in red is true!!
aha~! got this on joyce's blog. all i can say is its about 80% true!! =D
Thursday, May 22, 2008
aft that went to gramophone to buy EASON's cd. finally got it. super nice!!!
wooooOOOOHHHH!!!!! MAN U won MAN U won MAN U WON!!!
the game was exciting because;
MAN U win, this wld be their 3rd Champion league trophy and a Double in this season
chelsea win, this wld be their first trophy smth that Jose couldnt achieve while Grant did
it started with ronaldo's stunning header that sent Cech glued to the ground and just staring.Then came Lampard's equaliser in the half time because of clumsy defence by Man U. The rest of the game goes on with Cech denying 2 goals from ManU and the goal post and crossbar deny chelsea 2 goals too. Aft 120 mins, came the penalty shootout. All when well till Ronaldo's shot was saved by Cech. The trophy seems to be going towards chelsea till Terry slipped and missed the last shoot out, then came the sudden death. Destiny had decided a hero, VAn Der Sar. His brillant save snatch the trophy to the Red Devils. =DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i scarifice my sleep cause the game start at 245 and end at 6[ aft the prize presentation ]. When back to sleep and woke up at 730 cause i got lesson at 10. Luckily, Commt was cancelled and i can go home early to sleep.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
haha, man u won the trophy! ystd very scared they lose but luck they win! Scholes send Man u to the final of Champions league and Giggs secured the EPL trophy for them. Kudos to both of them! Now is not the time to party cos we must win Champion league first.
Friends, i'm so excited about SAt!! we are meeting again! =DDD
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
do you know that i listen to songs other than S.H.E
do you know that i'm damn tao to ppl that i dont know
do you know that only my love-ly friends can see the real me
do you know that i love playing street netball alot
do you know that i love the time we play bball at Mcc
do you know that i love the every single time we spent tgt in sec sch
do you know that i love every game we play,every PE we had
do you know that i love ruffling Rachel's hair
do you know that i love Jia qin and jia xin singing
do you know that i love calling joyce pudding and hui yu-er
do you know that i love talkng to dena
do you know that i love how our gang wld talk bad about that person
do you know that i love Shi hui kan chiong-ness
do you know that i love Hui ting crazy antics
do you know that i love how Aver can go crazy about Torres, suvival series and prison break
do you know that i love how Ac like to shoot Mj
do you know that i love to see Weide and Joyce suan-ing MJ
do you know that i love to suan MJ
MJ, i swear that every time weide suan you, i really want to help you but my mouth my brain wont cooperate! haha, so i will still suan you cos you are part of my love-ly friends. its a privilage! =DDDDDD
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
do you know me personally
do you know that i have a contrasting thinking[being a rebellious teen or a goody model teen]
do you know that i always bottled up my feelings
do you know that i'm a sensitive person
do you know that i have strong pride
do you know that i have a temper that i hate it
do you know that i hate myself for being so weak at times
do you know that i always play the self-blaming game every time i quarrelled with my parents
do you know that i have mood swings
do you know that i really regretted for not studying hard for Os
do you know that i was tortured emotionally for mths before getting the results
do you know that i missed my two grandmas a lot
do you know that i hate ppl who pretend that they know me but actually they know nothing
do you know that i'm a daydreamer
do you know that i'm a big fan of S.H.E
do you know that its their friendship that make me so crazy bout them
do you know that other than yellow i love black red white and grey too
do you know that i love to sun tan
do you know that i love to play ball games
go you know that i watch soccer every weekend
do you know that i'm a MAN U fan
do you know that if you are observant, the things mentioned above is nothing new.
lastly, do you know that i'm grateful for everything that has happen in my life becos it helps me to grow up and be mature
i'm grateful to have a proper family
i'm grateful to have meet my love-ly friends
heehee, heres a random post. probably through this, it helps to let you know me better. Also smth to clarify: i'm not saying anyone here.
Monday, May 05, 2008
To my love-ly friends,
start saving money from now cos we are going to go overseas tgt when we
graduate!! =DDDDDD
Saturday, May 03, 2008
i feel like a coooked chicken becos of the sunburnt.
MAN U won today's game!! 4-1