Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, December 04, 2011
2 Dec
its family trip~! 2D1N batam tour. summarise the whole trip, super cold bus that broke down halfway, tour guide that keep mis-pronoucing our surname, keep having to get up & down the bus, seafood lunch that ran out of coconut & prawns are super small that i thought its shrimp, massage was the best! hotel not bad but i wont go back again cos breakfast buffet is cluttered with some company workers. also dunno where they come from, don look like hotel guests. basically Batam is a nice place but not suitable for me, cos their pace is too slow~ 差点气死我
its family trip~! 2D1N batam tour. summarise the whole trip, super cold bus that broke down halfway, tour guide that keep mis-pronoucing our surname, keep having to get up & down the bus, seafood lunch that ran out of coconut & prawns are super small that i thought its shrimp, massage was the best! hotel not bad but i wont go back again cos breakfast buffet is cluttered with some company workers. also dunno where they come from, don look like hotel guests. basically Batam is a nice place but not suitable for me, cos their pace is too slow~ 差点气死我

the night before reach sh gugu house about 12 plus, settle down and everything i sleep at about 2am. [many thanks to sh & gugu!!!] morning woke up at 5 plus to catch the first train. [thanks sh again for the pokey! its my only food source for the whole event] reach ps at 645am! when i was there, not many ppl were q-ing. i was quite in front sitting in a 'cage' and make new friends. thanks to the new friends, i had somebody to talk to, if not i really gonna play poker with myself liao. all the hardship is made worth it for her! even though i couldnt found my tongue to say smth other than 'xie xie' and look like a total idiot looking at her in daze and smiling to myself.
Q-ing time clock:13 hours(including waiting for her to sign finish all and leave) [personal 'best' timing]
it a crazy, physically-taxing , sleep depriving, endurance training & fasting weekend. the no of hours of sleep i get is as little as the time i see her. but the total no. of hours spent on waiting, q-ing is hitting almost 29 hours for 3 days.

one day before alrdy start q-ing. haha, like clocking timing just to be the first few that enters to chop good view. it's tough like going for war as predicted. reach venue at about 4plus, abit sad cos i know Hebe's arriving at about 7 but i cant go to the airport because i need to clock timing. so sat there chit chat with joyce, waiting for mj to buy food over, blah blah blah... UNTIL 8 plus! one of the event person came over to pre empt us that artistes will be rehearsing later but we are not allow to run to the stage to see! *tink tink* that's when my camera comes in, before leaving the house i was thinking whether to bring anot. brought in the end cos i guess she will have to rehearse but didnt know when.
so Hebe is the first to rehearse, i sat at a corner looking at the stage, finding her in the dark. it's quite enjoying to sit in the dark, feeling the wind and hear her sing!
Q-ing time clock: 6hrs
reach there at 12plus to continue q-ing. alrdy got long q and the sun is hot follow by heavy downpour and it carries on till 530 where we are able to get in. chop front row, waited for another 2 & half hours in the rain before the first group perform. patiently waiting for my 田馥甄! when she is finally going to perform, i could feel my heart thumping, hands and feet trembling with excitment! she is just so cute! although she doesnt says much i could just watch her for the longest time. it ended quite fast and i went to sh gugu house to camp for tml.
Q-ing time+performance: 10 hours
Sunday, November 20, 2011
20.11.2011 Eve's big day! :D
woke up @ 5.30 to prepare. 6.30 reach eve's house and it's time to 开工!
7.30 arrival of groom, "yummy" food are waiting for them!
Bitter: small bittergourd (raw) mix with kopi-o powder and cinnanmon powder, cocoa powder as topping
Sour: chew 1 slice of lemon & lime and do a yoga pose for 30sec (half squat)
Spicy: heart shaped sandwich soak in chilli oil (overnight), fillings includes wasabi, black pepper and chilli powder as seasoning
Sweet: Orea biscuit with extra condense milk,sugar and more condense milk plus strawberry jam
everything went smoothly and once again, congrats to the couple!
woke up @ 5.30 to prepare. 6.30 reach eve's house and it's time to 开工!
7.30 arrival of groom, "yummy" food are waiting for them!
Bitter: small bittergourd (raw) mix with kopi-o powder and cinnanmon powder, cocoa powder as topping
Sour: chew 1 slice of lemon & lime and do a yoga pose for 30sec (half squat)
Spicy: heart shaped sandwich soak in chilli oil (overnight), fillings includes wasabi, black pepper and chilli powder as seasoning
Sweet: Orea biscuit with extra condense milk,sugar and more condense milk plus strawberry jam
everything went smoothly and once again, congrats to the couple!
Monday, November 14, 2011
1st wedding, 11.11.11 the whole hotel is full as every ballroom is book and have wedding. drink 2 glass of white wine, turned into a tomato then join colleagues for Zouk. had a super *yuck* long island tea, party till 2am. cab home with only $14 in wallet, fare total to $13.20 so ended up home with only 80cents. wore eye mask slept till 12pm.
then its part 2, left home around 7pm to attend my Chor Chor 21st birthday! eat watch talk cam whore then go NEX for movie.The Rum Diary, it's a true story of a journalist but it was boring to me. throughout i keep wondering if the male lead is Johnny Depp and every single character is F***-ing non stop till i get a serious headache then suddenly comes the ending
then its part 2, left home around 7pm to attend my Chor Chor 21st birthday! eat watch talk cam whore then go NEX for movie.The Rum Diary, it's a true story of a journalist but it was boring to me. throughout i keep wondering if the male lead is Johnny Depp and every single character is F***-ing non stop till i get a serious headache then suddenly comes the ending
Monday, November 07, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
appraisal done, tea-chat session with GM done, comments on appraisal not done :x
today, overslept on bus again. thanks to night cycling! hah, i must say we're quite brave to go night cycling, all girls from ECP to Bedok. okay, we almost ended up at Bedok reservoir, lucky divert to 85 market. took the park connector from ECP to bedok, 2 hrs plus non stop cycling. but from bedok back only 1 hour plus cos we decided to google for shorter route back. cannot tahan the 2 hours again. butt abrasion and jelly legs plus sleepy eyes. man~~ getting old alrdy
i dreamt of you last night, it's too good to be true.
today, overslept on bus again. thanks to night cycling! hah, i must say we're quite brave to go night cycling, all girls from ECP to Bedok. okay, we almost ended up at Bedok reservoir, lucky divert to 85 market. took the park connector from ECP to bedok, 2 hrs plus non stop cycling. but from bedok back only 1 hour plus cos we decided to google for shorter route back. cannot tahan the 2 hours again. butt abrasion and jelly legs plus sleepy eyes. man~~ getting old alrdy
i dreamt of you last night, it's too good to be true.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
this week has a mixture of good & bad news. bad news is losing a leader in the team, i tried very hard to hold back in the meeting room and lasted till my desk. it's a shocking news but i sincerely wish all the best for her! good news is we received compliment from CEO! and we are hitting 100% occupancy. wooo~~~hoooo~~~~ last is my catchment study also receive compliment which came as a surprise cos i thought there is still improvement to do. :/
Friday, September 30, 2011
everyone has a certain degree of knowing themselves. i wont say i understand myself 100% but i know im a perfectionist at certain things. i know how much it means to me so i will do whatever it takes to make sure it's gonna be perfect. Another thing is i dont like to trouble others, but now i'm like bringing in all the trouble and it sucks! BUT i'm not going to crumple like this, i will be stronger! Fight back!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
USS on Saturday is damn packed! but thanks to Mr Galvin Pang( my ah chor's lao gong), it's a breeze! the other time i started with the mild rides (Madagascar), this time we started with BSG human followed by cyclone mummy. from intense to mild, then relax, intense, chill and it goes on. 1 whole day spent at USS, sat 3 times of cyclone and 3.5 times of human. 0.5 is because during 1 of the launch, we were stuck on the slope. lucky its at the bottom not top. stayed till 9 to watch the fireworks, beautiful!
Monday, July 11, 2011
this was what i would like to say to my colleagues in TBP, esp my bosses. Well, i'll pen it down and sent it to them personally one day.
"final day, i hope tml they wont ask me to make a speech or smth. cos i dont think i can hold my tears back. i cant say but i can write it down. im not into religion but i must really thank god. he is kind to me. Thank you my bosses for hiring me despite my screwed up interview(personally i think i screwed it up), you gave me chances to be in this family, full of laughter. guide me from scratch, like how one would teach a baby to crawl and then walk."
"final day, i hope tml they wont ask me to make a speech or smth. cos i dont think i can hold my tears back. i cant say but i can write it down. im not into religion but i must really thank god. he is kind to me. Thank you my bosses for hiring me despite my screwed up interview(personally i think i screwed it up), you gave me chances to be in this family, full of laughter. guide me from scratch, like how one would teach a baby to crawl and then walk."
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
3months ago, i started out new, fresh from sch(probably not cos i havent graduate at that point of time). i embark on a new journey, the working life, my career. 3months later, im still learning though not as new and nervous as before. i had some confidence in handling clients/prospect. getting used to the system of work. i was told that bosses up there saw my performance, they thought i had the potential to be groom at other places. i dont know if what they are saying is heartfelt or just to cajole me to agree to the transfer, i would prefer to believe that it is heartfelt. i accept the option anyway, it seem beneficial to my career. well, just hope that i wont have to transfer again after another 3mths.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
3yrs ago, i entered REB feeling dejected cos its wasnt really what i want to study. Destiny is a funny thing, i went to NP, met a fun outgoing class made friends, did lots of crazy/funny/retard things; slacking @studio27, library, monopoly craze at every spot of NP even in LT, coming late for class, suan-ing sessions with lecturers, rushing project @ 72, sleeping/movie-ing in LT, skip classes for movie, squeezing into lifts, cabbing to BTP to eat KFC and play pool then cab back for class, bargain for extension, chiong projects to 3-4am and almost w/o slping chiong to sch and many many more. if i were to make a choice once more, i wont hestitate to choose REB.
3yrs of 'hardwork', is all for this moment, 1 sec on stage. then its cam-whore time! okay la, actually its not that alot for me. that gown is super hot! cab to BTP for pizza hut then pool(like how we used to). Kung Fu Panda 2 @ PS GV with a box of mix popcorn but it's super salty at the end + a super big cup of sprite. dinner and off we go~~home sweet home <3
Thursday, May 19, 2011
in this screwed up day, the only good thing that happen is i conducted a viewing on my own. everything from the scratch i handle, well my performance shld be not bad considering the client thought that i work quite long. partly i think, they are quite friendly too, hence not much of a problem. at least, i get some confident boost in handling ppl. not that i cant but it takes time to adapt.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
whenever i tell ppl i work at TBP, i think they thought its at a retail shop doing part time. whenever ppl ask me do i like my job, honestly i dont know how to answer. i dont hate it but i havent love it yet. maybe in time to come, i will. then i also have ppl asking me how's Selina(S.H.E) doing, although i'll reply she's working hard for recovery but deep down inside i really wanted to answer: do i look like i'm by her side all this while, what i know its also through the newspaper. and newspaper nowadays aren't as trustworthy as before. and on the GMA issue, not being nominated is a big deal, the big deal issue is you shldnt said those things. and suing netizens who 'accuse' you is a big joke, there are so many of them.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
im amazed at myself today. smart la, bathe too long ended up leaving the house late. in a rush o i decided not to change my bag, thinking that its not much of a diff anyway. but who knows, i left my drawer keys at home. and i only realise it on the mrt, so had to trouble mummy to help me deliver keys. so tired that i stand and doze off on the train aft work. i tot that was alrdy incredible, but i broke record again. i walk and doze at the same time. lucky nvr get into accident
Friday, May 06, 2011
this mth cant avoid AMM meeting, another trip to 5th Ave. reporting pls don come so soon. CSP course push back means i'll be attending alone :(
this morning had a super strange dream. dreamt about an alarm clock in my hand that couldnt stop ringing. i switched it off, the volume faded out and blast again. keep trying also wont work, then i thought, pull out the bateries and case closed. batteries pulled out, alarm still ringing. shocking! then i slowly woke up and realised it's my mum's alarm clock -.- she went out w/o switching off, so it has been ringing for like 10mins and invaded my dreams.
we can go further?
this morning had a super strange dream. dreamt about an alarm clock in my hand that couldnt stop ringing. i switched it off, the volume faded out and blast again. keep trying also wont work, then i thought, pull out the bateries and case closed. batteries pulled out, alarm still ringing. shocking! then i slowly woke up and realised it's my mum's alarm clock -.- she went out w/o switching off, so it has been ringing for like 10mins and invaded my dreams.
we can go further?
Saturday, April 30, 2011
tml 5/1 Labour Day but i got DM. nervous and excited at the same time cos its my first DM. tml sure become super noob. well, everyone starts a noob, haha! tml must rmb to buy cheap flip flop. my stupid nike slippers put in office 2 days only and it snap. last time keep wearing, hoping that it will spoil so that i can buy new one also nothing happen. so suay!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
ended a 2-day course @toa payoh HDB hub. its Management Development Programme, for 2 days, i learn what we call the intra & inter personel skills, emotional control & more about colleagues from other malls or based at HQ. this course is like just nice before the fun&bonding day. so next week, i wont be awkward in the fun&bonding group, at least know more ppl.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ystd officially completed 1 month of work, which means 1/3 of the probation is done. still got 2 more months to confirmation. ystd went to west coast plaza, nike warehouse store. saw a pair of shoes that look like what S.H.E had wore before. but still the choices are limited, tried on a pair of high-ankle shoes, looks cool but pay haven come in. then meet up for dinner @Chomp Chomp 11pm. it's a full force gathering, ac, aver, ht, sh, mj, jx, joyce. 8 ppl squeeze into a 7 seater honda stream. lucky i sit at the front, not squeezing at the back and not the driver :) after eating, go prawning! my first time prawning. we split into 2 grp to compete. ac,aver, sh, jx one team mj,ht,joyce and me one team. 头虾goes to sh team, then when we start to play big 2, the prawns starts to come. after 3 hours we had like 20plus prawns. need to start our own fire to bbq, ended up using other ppl fire. this morning we had prawns for breakfast, and a strawberry coco dome cake. celebrated aver's birthday earlier at the prawning place, hai bin! left that place at 6am but i only reach home 445pm.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
reaching 1st month of work! time passes real fast, the more things you know the more responsibilities you have. proud of myself for combing B1,Lv2,half of Lv3 and Lv 6 for the upstamping task! i don mind doing more so that we can complete on time, now marketing team can move forward. then there's also packing to be done cos office is going to do reno this month. hope my space is bigger aft the reconfiguration works.
Friday, April 01, 2011
im depressed now, cant stay online for long. last time, 8 to 12, four hours also not enough. now auto, 11pm shut down go sleep. no movie to watch, no stories/news to read. like practically ceased all activities. life become work, sleep, work, sleep. 3rd week into the job. not sure whats wrong with me, cant seem to focus, mind very tired. stress is building up, shall have ample rest during weekend. come on you can do it! find your life back!
如果你喜欢一位偶像 BY 蔡康永
不需要太刻意太直接,可以是个简单的暗示——妈妈,看,觉得他怎样?是很棒的一位歌手哦。 让心爱的他若有若无自然而然的在亲爱的妈妈眼里浮光掠影而过,
轻轻喊他的名字, 认真地发好每一个音调,
屏住呼吸读出, 一个念头升起又落下,
不要为他迷失了既定的轨道, 关掉电脑的片刻回归平静,
爱着因为他而变得更加温柔的自己, 爱他,是本性,是注定,是天然。
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
1st week of work just passed like that...
unlike intern, im not EECC this time round, lots of things to learn and do.
colleagues are super friendly and funny people but when it comes to work, they are professional! imagine myself to be in that position one day, woah! the problem about feeling sleepy aft lunch doesnt stand at all, cos i got no time to get into that mode. did admin work, going through/preparing documents, attend meetings, hectic work. afraid that i'll forget the work, i keep thinking about it before i sleep until i even dreamt about doing it.
unlike intern, im not EECC this time round, lots of things to learn and do.
colleagues are super friendly and funny people but when it comes to work, they are professional! imagine myself to be in that position one day, woah! the problem about feeling sleepy aft lunch doesnt stand at all, cos i got no time to get into that mode. did admin work, going through/preparing documents, attend meetings, hectic work. afraid that i'll forget the work, i keep thinking about it before i sleep until i even dreamt about doing it.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
first day, chalet @Pasir Ris, to celebrate Eddie's 21st Birthday! it's still fin although we only start BBQ-ing at 11plus. One whole day spent in laughters, hope we can have more of such gathering:)
2am, reach tampines, sh gugu's house. bathe and try to catch a wink but again i choke on my saliva -.-
without a sleep,we went to catch the plane. the moment we reach hotel, drop on the bed sleep!
4plus left the hotel to eat nearby, took a taxi to stadium, slack ard there b4 going in. the toilet Q is super super super long!!! concert full house and atmosphere is superb! went back play games and HTHT! slp, next day go Berjaya Times Sq sing K, chill out at Starbucks saw Zax Wang!!! WAHHHH!!!! shop again, go back play games, slp.
last day, go Carrefour there shop. went for massage, it's retribution for singing 'Every day i shock, shock. Every night i shock, shock.'
cab to LCCT, rushed to catch the plane. so other than fats, we got other memorable things that we can keep for life.
first day, chalet @Pasir Ris, to celebrate Eddie's 21st Birthday! it's still fin although we only start BBQ-ing at 11plus. One whole day spent in laughters, hope we can have more of such gathering:)
2am, reach tampines, sh gugu's house. bathe and try to catch a wink but again i choke on my saliva -.-
without a sleep,we went to catch the plane. the moment we reach hotel, drop on the bed sleep!
4plus left the hotel to eat nearby, took a taxi to stadium, slack ard there b4 going in. the toilet Q is super super super long!!! concert full house and atmosphere is superb! went back play games and HTHT! slp, next day go Berjaya Times Sq sing K, chill out at Starbucks saw Zax Wang!!! WAHHHH!!!! shop again, go back play games, slp.
last day, go Carrefour there shop. went for massage, it's retribution for singing 'Every day i shock, shock. Every night i shock, shock.'
cab to LCCT, rushed to catch the plane. so other than fats, we got other memorable things that we can keep for life.
Friday, March 04, 2011
BRF finally ended. no more chin chow, yea!
less than 24hours before i fly and i got so many things to do!
dental appt, change cash, shop for shoes with MJ, Eddie's chalet,mahjong-ing.
Woah~! i need energy for all these activities!
bag still left with some small items, later must rmb to check again.
my 1week of holidays starts NOW!!!!
less than 24hours before i fly and i got so many things to do!
dental appt, change cash, shop for shoes with MJ, Eddie's chalet,mahjong-ing.
Woah~! i need energy for all these activities!
bag still left with some small items, later must rmb to check again.
my 1week of holidays starts NOW!!!!
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
tml is my last paper in NP. and i haven start revising now!!!
this morning had driving lesson at 7AM, cos he say got buy the 7am driving ticket.
WTH!!!! in the end also don have! end up having a spin ard Ubi area. shit! #%&^!*^%*$&(@^
finally renew my PDL, been driving for a month with expired PDL?! lucky nvr get caught, if not jiu demerit points.
this morning had driving lesson at 7AM, cos he say got buy the 7am driving ticket.
WTH!!!! in the end also don have! end up having a spin ard Ubi area. shit! #%&^!*^%*$&(@^
finally renew my PDL, been driving for a month with expired PDL?! lucky nvr get caught, if not jiu demerit points.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
last presentation in SCH has ended officially!!! woo~~hoo~~~!!!!
the day before presentation still went to sing K even though i'm like losing my voice.
great K-out session!!!! i'm lovin it~! morning did the prototype of a credit card.
though it looks kind of kiddy, not really that great but i'm proud of it! i did my best making it as real as possible:) presentation+Q&A is great i think. we did a good job!
the day before presentation still went to sing K even though i'm like losing my voice.
great K-out session!!!! i'm lovin it~! morning did the prototype of a credit card.
though it looks kind of kiddy, not really that great but i'm proud of it! i did my best making it as real as possible:) presentation+Q&A is great i think. we did a good job!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
last step to employment: medical checkup
pass it, i can kiss goodbye to holidays, student life, student benefits.
then i'll open my arms to welcome working life, the stable monthly income, be financially independent. of course work is more than all these things, i don know what will come but hope i can adapt and handle it well.
pass it, i can kiss goodbye to holidays, student life, student benefits.
then i'll open my arms to welcome working life, the stable monthly income, be financially independent. of course work is more than all these things, i don know what will come but hope i can adapt and handle it well.
Sunday, February 06, 2011
CNY day 1
afternoon cook food and prepare.
change new location @ woodlands. a healthy cny i presume.
no alcohol no gambling. just eat and watch tv.
CNY day 2
relatives visit us, so spent the day preparing food, be my mum's professional stir-er. no electricity but not exactly cheap, hehe.
CNY day 3
visited my grandaunt @ Telok Blangah. then spent 1hr15mins on bus 10 to Tampines. the moment i stand up, i cant feel my butt. gambling starts at Tampines! whole night play blackjack with sh's relatives! nice luck!
afternoon cook food and prepare.
change new location @ woodlands. a healthy cny i presume.
no alcohol no gambling. just eat and watch tv.
CNY day 2
relatives visit us, so spent the day preparing food, be my mum's professional stir-er. no electricity but not exactly cheap, hehe.
CNY day 3
visited my grandaunt @ Telok Blangah. then spent 1hr15mins on bus 10 to Tampines. the moment i stand up, i cant feel my butt. gambling starts at Tampines! whole night play blackjack with sh's relatives! nice luck!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
today went in to circuit for practice. circuit isnt that hard, it's just smaller hence speed must be kept slow. i just dont like the way he keep interferring with the steering wheel. make me look like an idiot, it doesnt help in training me to drive. i know he mean well by repeating the steps, telling me what to do but i'll be dependent on this. TP, the tester isnt going to tell me what to do.
after driving, went to pre-order my DVD!!! wanted to go Pasir Ris, but thought i'll be buying jeans at Denizen, so i alighted at Tampines. queue super long to pay for a 75cents CD and make the pre-order. previously, i wanted to order 2copies so that i can get both preorder gifts. haha, bbut i'm facing money crisis now and i don really have the full collection of the preorder gifts before, save the money for better use!
after driving, went to pre-order my DVD!!! wanted to go Pasir Ris, but thought i'll be buying jeans at Denizen, so i alighted at Tampines. queue super long to pay for a 75cents CD and make the pre-order. previously, i wanted to order 2copies so that i can get both preorder gifts. haha, bbut i'm facing money crisis now and i don really have the full collection of the preorder gifts before, save the money for better use!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
CNY is coming~~ but i haven bought my shirts and stuff:(
then my mum kind of drop a 'present' for me
mum: thurs you no sch right?
me: ya
mum: you go to the bank queue up to exchange for new notes can?
me: that's very long queue leh!
mum: you got experience ma (refering to all the autograph sessions that i queued, that day i just came back from Hebe's one at Novena, 8hours of queueing)
me: -.- " (tio owned)
then my mum kind of drop a 'present' for me
mum: thurs you no sch right?
me: ya
mum: you go to the bank queue up to exchange for new notes can?
me: that's very long queue leh!
mum: you got experience ma (refering to all the autograph sessions that i queued, that day i just came back from Hebe's one at Novena, 8hours of queueing)
me: -.- " (tio owned)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Love! To Hebe 音乐会 2pm
两点或许太早 大家显得比较文静 不过还是一场很棒的音乐会
只是不能拍照录影 抓的很严
开场唱完三首 她边喝水边说 "介绍一个东西给你们" *弄旁边的小台灯* "那小台灯不会亮 呵呵"
馥甄在要介绍超级玛丽时 音控师不小心下歌 害馥甄话说到一半 惊慌失措的样子 很可爱
在encore时 她唱了许美静的遗憾 "还好你们有叫encore 不然你们要遗憾没听到遗憾"
馥甄阿,你也太可爱了吧 她唱遗憾很好听
新加坡场还和Olivia合唱How Deep Is Your Love 超好听的
Love! To Hebe 音乐会 8pm
第二场 票是在后援会买的 只是没想到会是第一排 爽死我了
进场后才发现 会被灯和音箱挡到 不过还好她会坐的小沙发没被挡死 反而是在我面前
毫无阻碍 有了第一场的经验 我知道她有2首半会是坐在我面前唱 光用想的都爽翻
晚上场 显然大家都比较high
馥甄:还好你们是来晚上的 因为我嗓子比较开
馥甄:你们也别高兴得太早 因为下午那场声音比较干净
唱到一part 歌迷喊
歌迷:新年快乐 恭喜发财
歌迷:拥抱 红包
馥甄:两个都没有 飞吻一个 *mua*
Love! To Hebe 签名会 3pm
我早上6点起床才睡了4个钟 到场地已经7点多 看人龙还好 觉得自己有机会看到舞台
谁知道里面没排太多条 害我看不到舞台 不过田馥甄蛮准时的 只是她在唱‘寂寞寂寞就好’我看不到 能听到也算不错啦 虽小但很有秩序 所以我在排了8个钟后就签到 上台时 我本来想说‘你是我要投资的绩优股’可是我只说‘昨天我有去 你很棒’汗,听起来像废话
手也握了 照片也拍了 音乐会也看了 我的田馥甄周末也来到尾声
两点或许太早 大家显得比较文静 不过还是一场很棒的音乐会
只是不能拍照录影 抓的很严
开场唱完三首 她边喝水边说 "介绍一个东西给你们" *弄旁边的小台灯* "那小台灯不会亮 呵呵"
馥甄在要介绍超级玛丽时 音控师不小心下歌 害馥甄话说到一半 惊慌失措的样子 很可爱
在encore时 她唱了许美静的遗憾 "还好你们有叫encore 不然你们要遗憾没听到遗憾"
馥甄阿,你也太可爱了吧 她唱遗憾很好听
新加坡场还和Olivia合唱How Deep Is Your Love 超好听的
Love! To Hebe 音乐会 8pm
第二场 票是在后援会买的 只是没想到会是第一排 爽死我了
进场后才发现 会被灯和音箱挡到 不过还好她会坐的小沙发没被挡死 反而是在我面前
毫无阻碍 有了第一场的经验 我知道她有2首半会是坐在我面前唱 光用想的都爽翻
晚上场 显然大家都比较high
馥甄:还好你们是来晚上的 因为我嗓子比较开
馥甄:你们也别高兴得太早 因为下午那场声音比较干净
唱到一part 歌迷喊
歌迷:新年快乐 恭喜发财
歌迷:拥抱 红包
馥甄:两个都没有 飞吻一个 *mua*
Love! To Hebe 签名会 3pm
我早上6点起床才睡了4个钟 到场地已经7点多 看人龙还好 觉得自己有机会看到舞台
谁知道里面没排太多条 害我看不到舞台 不过田馥甄蛮准时的 只是她在唱‘寂寞寂寞就好’我看不到 能听到也算不错啦 虽小但很有秩序 所以我在排了8个钟后就签到 上台时 我本来想说‘你是我要投资的绩优股’可是我只说‘昨天我有去 你很棒’汗,听起来像废话
手也握了 照片也拍了 音乐会也看了 我的田馥甄周末也来到尾声
Saturday, January 15, 2011
14/1/11- Yes 933 Live- 田馥甄
Everytime the video i post on my blog is recorded by others.
aha! this is like the first radio interview i recorded and upload to youtube
quite nice to see other ppl repost it on other places:)
in 3more hours, i'll be at Sentosa Festive Grand enjoying the music showcase.
It's Hebe田馥甄 WEEKEND!!!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
WISP, lucky today nvr present. the work is so messy and to have ppl sending email at 3/4am to add on is crazy. so you think ppl dont need to sleep? plus we are not babysitters, i dont want to clean shit for ppl. pushing it to 2wks later if either a second chance from heaven to redeem/save our grades or just prolong suffering of shitty work from others. why is it like time is always running out for us. 24hrs don seem enough anymore, its stressful!
GF, jiayou! 再累也要坚持下去!
GF, jiayou! 再累也要坚持下去!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Nanyang Polytechnic Chinese Orchestra S.H.E Graffiti (S.H.E Medley)
this is super cool! although i'm not in NYP but i feel super proud of them.
they must have undergone long time practising for this.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Happy New Year! 2011
Monday Blue for tml and its really super blue until going to turn black. Why? cos everyone is enjoying PH but i have to go back for classes. kids of all ages have no sch but me. adults of most occupations have holiday except me. but then again, 2011, it means that the no. of days for sch getting lesser but things needed to be done is piling. there's so much to do before graduation:( i'm gonna miss my class and the few funny lecturers we had. the things we did/play during our breaks. you guys made the class fun:)
Monday Blue for tml and its really super blue until going to turn black. Why? cos everyone is enjoying PH but i have to go back for classes. kids of all ages have no sch but me. adults of most occupations have holiday except me. but then again, 2011, it means that the no. of days for sch getting lesser but things needed to be done is piling. there's so much to do before graduation:( i'm gonna miss my class and the few funny lecturers we had. the things we did/play during our breaks. you guys made the class fun:)
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