Friday, December 12, 2014

started 3rd month into the job, few weeks at site, used to not having fan or air con, sit anywhere, be dirty and sweaty. a lot of things i don't really know so i just offered whatever help that i can. on-the-job training, so trying to learn as much as i can. as usual, there are some higher management decisions that i can never understand but oh well, i just try to do whatever is possible to make it better.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

1month plus into my new job. totally new environment, working with mostly guys and are much older than me. new challenge but i accept, 1st week at site, dust as companion, sitting anywhere, on pellets, plastic stacks even un wipe tables. clean spot?! not such word exist at site. but alas! tables in position, and 1st kitchen concept is up! yea! hopefully next 3 weeks things goes smoothly, then we are able to open on 15 Dec.

Friday, September 26, 2014

自认放假的这几个月 做了很做想做的 也看了想看的港剧 既然看了那么多就来试试写评语吧

On Call 36 小时 (Astro大马视帝视后/最佳荧幕情侣/最佳剧集)(TVB最佳电视男角色-张一件)
原本它播出的时候 我就很想追看 可是那时要读书做工没时间 所以ChU播出时 我就断断续续的追看。故事节奏刚好 message很清楚 最重要是男女主角选的好 马明杨怡荧幕上就有一种很特别的chemistry 让人看了很舒服 那种一个眼神一个动作都可以让人觉得很sweet 经历很多最后也在一起happy ending 唯一遗憾就是没有很多“鱼头”名正言顺拍拖的scenes

On Call 36 小时 2 (最佳荧幕情侣连庄)
因为看part1的时候 其实On Call 36 小时 2 已经播完了 所以马上追。当然我的selling point是“鱼头”咯 想看“鱼头”的甜蜜婚后生活 怎么知道。。。前3集screen time很少可是还是sweet的 然后就噩梦了 病情复发流产焦虑还专科吵架分居开解明了甜蜜复合 整个过程用了23集(4-26)当你以为可以这样幸福下去 最后2集还要“一件头”车祸“鱼仔”帮他做手术这么折磨 当然因为“鱼头”已成定局所以有新人加入可是。。。一个花了十多集找失踪男友 一个不知道自己喜欢晶晶还是车车 BEN雪还杀出一个EX Cases就全部围绕在医者不能自医 医生们的妈妈老婆老公姐姐弟弟朋友前女友女儿 一个个都有病 整出戏从头哭到尾 鱼仔流产哭 林爷弟弟病死哭 Yannis动手术哭 车车病死哭 一件头车祸哭 这么down 应该早一点让“鱼头”复合可以sweet一下嘛

因为“鱼头”所以疯狂追看 马明杨怡的戏 整出戏就是一个comedy现代人回到古代 不自觉用一些时下流行的字眼闹出不少笑话 可是在comedy里 ending居然那么悲惨 云信会到现代 桑柔留在古代从此分开 真令人吐血

第一出不用怎么打就破案的警察戏 可惜Lo Sir和犀利妹没有感情线 可是上司下属的对手戏也蛮有chemistry的 最后happyending啦

算是很正常的剧 超喜欢律师的剧 喜欢杨怡这个造型很美 高潮迭起刚刚好 ending也交代的好

众星拱月,大家都喜欢Mavis 与各个对手都有发生一些事 可是!最后居然是一个没有ending的ending。吐血x2

看这部戏纯粹是想看杨怡的民初装扮 因为个人觉得很美 虽然客串不过也意外发现 她和郑嘉颖蛮配的


溏心系列纯属重看 当年首播很HOT 已经看过了 不过这次就特别留意杨怡的角色 Jackie和阿月
Jackie从任性到成熟 和Bosco的对手戏也好看有sweet到 阿月这角色真的演的很棒 难怪那最佳女配角 哭戏的难度在于哭得有层次 哭到观众的心里 受委屈又要表现很坚强 真的有为角色心痛

点解ah sir是ah sir
第一次看杨怡演老师 让我想到瑞恩的[书包太重]会有穿berms的老师 好特别咯 我从没遇到过 ending算是有交代的

傻里傻气的 不是典型胸大无脑 珠美有用脑的 只是常想错导致一些笑话 不过ending算好的

看这部因为这是杨怡拿最佳女主角的戏 或许因为on call马明杨怡太深入民心 所以一直觉得子君要配大少 小时候大少救子君 子君当了塞凤凰 大少请她回去表演 被抓时保护她 结果子君爱上他老爸 囧 BUT如果让子君大少发展应该会乱到疯掉 所以只能说老少配还是很难看得惯吧

黑暗的角色 看的时候完全没有想到她角色会有那么多变化 卧底舞女重案组警察executor杀手 一次次的大难不死唤起她封闭已久的记忆慢慢发现自己是杀人凶手的女儿接连的打击让她铺上杀手之路 最后悲剧收场

剧的题材蛮特别的 玩具设计师and星座 可是不喜欢马仔放弃的ending 明明他先看到的为什么要让 真是的!

针扎很久才看的剧 应为我先看到ending 寻获真凶的节奏和转折还不错 冰冰家杨很虐咯 成亲之日被抓 自由后又忙着报仇 报完了因为一个谎话分开 重逢遇到水灾 逃难时家杨还要被撞两次导致他们失散 冰冰独自抚养孩子再遇到家杨 他失忆要等到孩子唱歌他回头微笑似乎记起就end 编剧啊要不要那么吝啬给冰冰家杨长一点时间的happyending都不行吗?

纯属配角 其实只是想看杨怡马明的初次对手剧 很嫩 青春啊~

Sunday, September 14, 2014

23 birthday

Celine and Chervel gave me an advance celebration. It was a GNO day, had fun singing K and brought back a huge mango cake. We ate like a quarter only so the remaining were my lunch and dinner for the  next day.

Met up with YOLO for steamboat buffet after work. It poured heavily while I was on my way and I really wanted to just turn back and head home. But I know this meet up was to celebrate my birthday so I dragged myself there. Luckily, the rain stopped when I reach Bugis. Probably heard me, whoever is up there. So we had fun eating and stuffing ourselves cos it's been long since I saw aver and Ac and steamboat. After that, our plan was to go for the night fest at bras basah. So we walk to SMU for toilet first. That was just a cover in the end. Cos 环保小尖兵 were there ambushing me. It's probably again fated la, cos I was busy talking while crossing the road (错误示范). I thought it was coincident that I saw Stacy and Lee Lee. Then the rest suddenly pop out and sing birthday song on the streets but I was more concern about how they know I'm here. Haha! Needless to think, someone gave them info lurh. So that night I had 5 slices of Lady M cakes, 2 melted, 1 toppled and the remaining 2 staying strong. Special thanks to my most fire partner for coordinating the surprise. She probably went through many people before she find out about my schedule on 29Aug. 

Thursday, July 03, 2014

其实我没那么好,脾气很坏,越亲密的人容忍线越低。因为我觉得你是亲密的,你应该懂我。个性很闷,有些东西就是不会说出口,一直考验别人,希望他们够细心能发现。有时候又倔强,明明知道自己跨出去一步,事情好办但就是死都不让,宁愿放着让它烂。有些事在怎么粉饰太平但还是会是心里的疙瘩。我真的不知道要怎么除掉。或者应该说我只渴望某些人的亲近和了解 某些人就是拥有那种特权

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

644 days | From spending my 21st birthday at the orientation in school till today, the results of my dissertation is released. 這條路很苦, 打全職工兼上夜校, 失眠熬通宵不吃晚餐是很平常的狀況. 很艱辛的時候就靠「花又開好了」的這句話 「如果你陪我走下去 那麼我沒藉口放棄」繼續撐. 想到Selina所經歷的種種,然後告訴自己她做得到,我也不能放棄。
挑夜燈趕報告時就聽 「死不睡覺」來催眠自己還不困,到漸漸有點喜歡半夜三更都不睡, 欣賞那種深夜的寧靜. 獨立寫畢業論文一直聽「我不願讓你一個人」一個人寫一個人獨立承受壓力真的很苦很想找人分擔傾訴但是最終還是只有自己, 所以只能用這首歌安慰自己. 一切終於在這裡劃下了不是很完美但問心無愧的句點. It's finally over. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Down Under Tour

1 May 14 - 7 May 14

The Down under Aussie trip! first trip of 2014, to a brand new place with brand new companions! Okay, not really brand new because we did travel together before but that was in a VERY big group. It's also my self-proclaim graduation trip, finally done with the damn dissertation that has been weighing me down for months. Back to the trip, the highlight of the trip was actually the concerts lah. We figure out that it would be damn awesome to travel and able to attend Yoga & Hebe concert. Huge thanks to Sherry for being the main planner and researcher for the whole trip. So here comes the highlights of every single day:

30 Apr 14
I am still in SG for 22hours. Final half day at work before heading home to pack my luggage. Pop by to TBP for beauty care regime and lunch with Celine and Eve. By the time i finish packing, it's already 5pm, cab down to airport with Jolene cause i don want to lug my luggage to squeeze MRT. Taxi uncle very friendly, he asked me whether i have missed anything important before he drives off. BUT.... it was only when he reached Fort Rd, i remembered what i have missed, my dear elephants! Reach airport at about 6plus, meeting the rest of them at 7plus for McDonald's dinner! While waiting, another thing i missed has surfaced, Hebe's albums. -.-

1 May 14
In the wee hours, we are still on the plane BUT not asleep thanks to a toddler who keeps throwing tantrums. Sherry and I were doing our cards on the plane as well, how special is that? Mine was 80% done, except that i had not idea what i want to write to her. So i kept dwelling and dwelling and dwelling. Then i decided to draw the cover first and that's where disaster starts! The black marker i have decides to plop a blotch of ink for me and sent me into the critical mode where i had no choice but to draw a black heart to salvage (Who the hell gives a black heart?!?!?!) So the whole tempo of the 8hrs flight is nap, do card, eat, nap, do card... till we finally reach Melbourne

We step out of Melbourne airport in The Freshman T-shirt and jeans with temperature reading at 5degrees (Wholly shit! where's my jacket?!) trying to be cool and #yolo. Bus to city, walk to hotel, check in and BRUSH teeth! Walk around the hotel, grab some bite before we go Federation Square to head off to Phillip Island! Went to Phillip Island, enjoying 12degrees sea breeze in jeans (tattered kind), t-shirts and Adidas jacket. (OMG, someone needs to remind us "pls bring jackets") Sadly no pictures of penguins and Phillip Island because of the no photography rule, bought a magnet to remind myself that i actually visit that place before. Head back to the city and it's already 9plus. Grab Hungry Jack back to hotel as dinner. Before sleep, check FB and realised Selina is here in Melbourne with Hebe, who touch down after us and they took photos at Flinders Street Station (just opposite our hotel, how sad) Oh, and i woke up at 1am to meet Sok Huy to collect tickets. Super grateful to him and Sok Keang for helping us purchase the tickets and deliver.

2 May 14
Went to book Golden Mile tour then hitch on the free city tram to tour Melbourne city area. Alighted at Queen Victoria Market to shop and in hope of meeting Hebe over here (wishful thinking) It's really like spacious to shop there and there are really tons of things to see! Bought 2 elephants over there on impulse but it's okay, they are too cute to resist anyway. Then we went to DFS shopping near Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. Bought a beanie that i like and we brisk walk back to hotel to change and brisk walk back to the concert venue. The only bad thing about the concert, no photography.

3 May 14
Went for our Golden Mile heritage tour, but before that, we took a picture at the Flinders Street Station. To stand on the place where she stood a few days back feels good. Indeed it's a heritage tour, learnt quite a lot from our guide. Ended the tour and we went to QVM again to collect some goods. Cab down to hotel to pack up and check out. Then we go visit Old Melbourne Gaol, first time i went into jail and able to walk out freely. Hahah! Great experience! went back to hotel afterwards to proceed to our #yolo highlight, overnight train ride starting from 7plus pm!

4 May 14
after 11 hours, we finally reach Sydney in the early morning. again, we were welcomed by cold morning breeze, enough to chill us awake. walk to pensione hotel, left our luggages there and out to grab breakfast. loiter around Paddy's market till lunch, step out to find that there's a freak accident at the dim sum restaurant that we initially wanted to eat. checked in, freshen up and head out to Manly Beach. Caught the view of Sydney Habour Bridge and Opera House in the day and night. came back and meet up with Diana for gelato at Darling Habour and after which the whole drama mama came alive and we had an unforgettable night. summary: while leaving the place, Sherry and I saw Bing Wang, we stunned and thought whether we should pass him the cards we made for Hebe. Decided to, drop our bags on some random chairs, take card and run. (my phone did a skydive and landed near his feet) Caught up with him, pass the card and happily walk back to the group. explain to Diana and HanYing who is he and blah blah.. we walk out to cross the traffic light. halfway through, i noticed a group of ppl walking towards us and OMG, i saw her assistant in the dark green jacket that i was telling Sherry at Circular Quay. eyes turned and i saw her, Hebe Tien! double OMG! in split seconds, i scanned her from head to toe, yea double check on the luminous pink shoes and turn to look at Sherry. From our expression, we knew that yea, we met HEBE! continue walking walking, path crossing, eyes met and Sherry shouted "田馥甄 我爱你! "  hearing that, i quickly add on, "明天见!" (seem like that's the only thing i can say, for more info, referring to 25 Oct 13 Fairmont Hotel clip) Both of us happily wanted to proceed until Amanda said "the albums!" Stunned, stop, turn and run. i took Amanda's album and run towards them, fortunately they were waiting for the traffic light. so i went "erm...不好意思 可以签名吗? " she said yes! so sign sign, chit chat and we left. yes, no photos cos the lighting damn bad, orange street light, how good can it be) but its enough for me! cos i realised i can converse with her after all. and i recommended her the gelato that we just had! (none of the albums signed are mine but i managed to talk to her. good enough although i really feel like crying, looking at the albums now) *this is also the best and worst day of the trip, shall not talk about the worst cos it doesn't worth the effort*

5 May 14
Went to westfield and up to Sydney Tower Eye. did the sky walk on glass flooring, nice. went back to eat gelato and then fish market for seafood. head back to hotel to rest and charge up before taking bus to concert venue, Horden Pavillion. Awesome thing about the concert, can take photographs and she mentioned us! Double happiness!

6 May 14
woke up early cause we are going up to Blue Mountains today. Bus ride to wildlife park, photo with Koala and feed kangaroos. saw the three sisters rock, took the steepest railway and a ferry from Olympic park to circular quay. wander to darling habour for pancakes and head back to hotel before going out to walk chinatown.

7 May 14
Met Diana for brunch and selfie session before flying back.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Breathing day

Finally, it all ended today. After skipping lunch for 2 days straight, chiong-ing nights, the thesis is done and submitted. It all comes with trials, walking in out sun to bind, DIY cover page, racing against time, fail to get taxi, stuck in jam and almost lost my mac. I can finally put everything down and relax. Not sure how it will turn out but I just hope to pass. The whole process is really too painful. I actually left a busy job for an even busier job. Like I do not have enough challenge yet. Filling my plate to the brim. No more looking at timetable, deadlines and feeling the stress. I never knew I could feel the weights of a timetable, but I did. 80g paper felt like 80tonnes. Those nights where I couldn't get to sleep or sleeping with a running mind. Your eyes are close but u know u are awake and aware of the surrounding. There are also times where I carry a whole lot of load in my heart, it weighs so much that I thought it would break. I try to be there for everyone but I forget about myself. Few occasions I really wanted to cry and release but I can't. Now I finally can. 一切结束了

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

counting down to the day I'm regaining my freedom, the days of exam-free stress, no more academic assignment deadlines to meet, hopefully lesser overnight chiong-ing and etc. it seems so near yet so far, now faced with the biggest hurdle, the DAMN dissertation. i must admit, I'm a person with no discipline, i like to do things based on feel. to make it worse, i still have to work. that just makes me have lesser time and i want to just spent it on things that makes me happy. 我很想大哭一场来发泄,可不可以?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Last day

Actually this was a decision that i would have execute close to 2 years back. If i didn't come back, the pain might not be so much for some. But i am still glad to have made the decision to come back, at least i get to create some wonderful memories with people close to my heart. They are not just colleagues anymore but friends who i can chill out with, talk to and give me advices. A lot of memories are flooding back, like how i cried when i got transferred out, the times when i was sitting next to Celine, chit chat and listen to SHE songs, after going to LC making friends with Jeanie and Mah Yi Ling who takes care of me like sisters, finding a salmon sashimi kaki - Lynn, Anthony Da Ge and Violet Jie whom i can go to. Ms Tan aka Diana who is ever 热情 & a good confidant, Eve who loves zebra and calls me her zebra, Wayne who likes to poke fun of me but sometimes we can poke fun of other with good rapport, Tan Chong Wee, the fellow meh meh who has a poker face but the things he say, aiseh~ 一针见血, Wei Loong who is so quiet when i left TBP and when i come back he is so chatty and crappy. These are my favourite people, life is so much fun with them around because they will lighten up your day.

I managed to contain my emotions till end of work and refused to read the card until i am home. Yea, cried like crap after reading card and Celine's little notes. I will keep them close to my heart and it's not forever goodbye because we would definitely meet up soon.

Monday, February 17, 2014

2 years 11months

14 Feb marks the 2 years and 11 months in my first company. Guess it's because it's my first official job, somehow I remembered the dates clearly. So after close to 3 years, being at 2 malls, I'm in the final week before I leave. Still deliberating if I should write a goodbye email or not. And how to ferry my stuffs back to home from office. I will definitely miss some of them but if we are meant to be friends, I believe nothing will stop us :)

Monday, February 03, 2014

终于做了这个决定 难免感伤。整个过程是有点“怨念”不过不至于后悔 因为我始终坚守原则 原则未必能带来财富但能给予我心灵层面的满足感 而且我很庆幸自己还是原来那个我 没有迷失自己

Thursday, January 02, 2014

[2014.01.01] S.H.E台北跨年 乾杯+乾一杯+向往事乾杯 組曲




this is a year full of ups and downs. didn't expect myself to travel to taiwan with a group of new friends, bonded and become close like we have known one another for years. able to see S.H.E 2Gether 4Ever 3 times at both taiwan and singapore stop. travelling is definitely a highlight of my 2013, been to batam, kl, taiwan, thailand, macau & hong kong. getting my coveted GF2 camera and mba, attended concerts by Amei, Jay Chou. been to music showcase of The Freshman. Seen Rui En in person like 4,5 times, attended the private party of zzsf, star awards show 2 seeing her being crowned Best Actress for the 2nd time. towards the end of year, music cds that are of awesome quality(Insignificance and Friends). the downs are mostly stress related, like how i can't sleep for a period of time, stressing about assignments, juggling between studies and work. unsatisfied performance, bottled-up negative feelings that i can't seem to dispel.

Bottoms up to 2013, i shall start my 2014 with an empty cup!
人生就是要时刻记得归零 从新(心)出发