My November ended in a horrible way. Blew me off and totally crumbled my optimism. For 3 days, I lived in a red zone, irritable, angsty and snapping self. The efforts I've put in for the past year seems to be futile and I'm like a fool. The feeling of helplessness sucks to the max. I felt indignant to be take advantage just like that, I want to retailiate. I want to get out of this mess, I want to get what I deserve and I want to find myself back.
I didn't told much ppl about what happened, but I'm really thankful to my parents for putting up with me for that 3 days. 感謝你帶我去兜風,雖然旅程不長不順但至少讓我透透氣。(and 第一次坐jaguar)