Friday, March 30, 2012

兜兜转转我还是回到了原点 我承认在那是有些不愉快不过我没有主动提出调职。对于流言我也确实有些动怒。

Sunday, March 04, 2012

it's been long since i blog..oh well, nothing has changed much...or maybe there is..
she is still 2-faced, the other one is deep, he should be clueless, i tried to distance, smiles are gone, some can see, laughter is past, icy cold spreads, she is hinting, words spread, everyone's talking, no one to listen..

yea, no one to listen... sometimes it's not about advices. it might be nitty gritty stuffs but once it's been snowballed, it's gets bigger. i think i need a getaway