5days, 46 hrs thats is how i spent my christmas holidays.
by right it should be only 4 days, but ystd C sick. call me @ 830 AM to take over her. wth! then i supposed to leave @ 6pm then the other girl say she also sick ask me to help. So my job ystd is to be SUPER SUB.
On Sat, i only work 6-10 but not there to sell cakes. go there be DHL delivery, customer ordered 21st birthday cake, paid extra money and written b/w in bold for a key. bloody hell, this cake come and there is NO damn key. i took only $10 and my phone cab down to T1 and cab back. cab fare is more than $10 call ppl to come help me pay.
thank god next month onwards i only need to work on Sunday.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
work work work, this is no holiday for me:( but no choice, have to work cos like that then got money$$$$ every first half of the year i'll be broke REASON: presents presents and more presents.
for 2010 all the way from jan to july, aug is one month break then sept cont to christmas.
additional to stuffs like CDs(basic 2- SHE & JAY ), books and CONCERT tickets. good seat with good view comes with GREAT prices!
for 2010 all the way from jan to july, aug is one month break then sept cont to christmas.
additional to stuffs like CDs(basic 2- SHE & JAY ), books and CONCERT tickets. good seat with good view comes with GREAT prices!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
i'm alrdy in holiday mood!! despite having 1 more paper on fri. today dad took leave so mummy daddy and me go out to eat! we go chinatown eat bak gu teh, oyishi!! then we shop shop. first stop, optics shop cos we are looking at the ray ban and rodenstock shades and glasses. then got salesgirl come, i thought dad will walk off as usual but he actually ask me to try the ray ban shades that i say i like. 吓死我!cos later got 2 type of ending, he pay or i pay. pay for that and i'm broke for the 3rd month-.- cos 1st mth pay ipod, 2nd mth pay dslr's warranty. wah, the salesgirl take alot for me to try, got espirit, armani, marc jacobs, blah blah blah. hee hee, in the end still prefer ray ban. then dad buy shoes and belt[again! 情有独钟啊~~] force mummy choose GUESS bag.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
thats a very nice day. meet up @ cine and i forget whenther i'm suppose to alight @ somerset or orchard. but anyway i still manage to alight correctly @ somerset. mummy walk behind me not knowing that it was me and and i was about reply her msg at the same time. ahhaha! had dinner @ bbq chicken. then went to lido to watch CASE 39. finish watching its already 11. hole up at orchard mrt station to write down our x-mas wish and fearing that we would miss the last train.
thats a very nice day. meet up @ cine and i forget whenther i'm suppose to alight @ somerset or orchard. but anyway i still manage to alight correctly @ somerset. mummy walk behind me not knowing that it was me and and i was about reply her msg at the same time. ahhaha! had dinner @ bbq chicken. then went to lido to watch CASE 39. finish watching its already 11. hole up at orchard mrt station to write down our x-mas wish and fearing that we would miss the last train.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
yea~~~!!! i'm free from the stressful french class from now on,wooooHHHH. today had final written test which i think the last part sucks lar. wad the hell, write a dialogue. anyway presentation is worse cos the bloody speaker doesnt work and alot of grps had "silent" video shown. but my vaio is so cool okay, good sound system cos i blasted the volume to max and it is better than the damn speaker in sch. hahahah!!! so i my video is the only one that had sound=)
Friday, November 20, 2009
shag week, esp ysdt night or rather this early morning. work till 230 am just to finish tutorial, project and e learning assignment. then sleep for only 4 hrs, whats worse is i caught a cold not feeling well physically. but all this will get well.
some things just wont get better and it cant be replace
some things just wont get better and it cant be replace
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Singapore Hits awards. didnt expect the seats we bought is so front. haha, that means we are lucky!! this time the row in front of mine is SHE fans, with big balloons . at first i tot cool man, can sit with ppl of same likings but the balloons are quite view-blocking although its eye catchy. anyway, SHE are high today, they copied aunty lucy's famous action, junping around, giving big bear hugs and humourous thanks speech. of cos still have the singing part, they sang four songs but i can only record the 1st one as the security came-.- the whole event ended at 12 am and i had to cab home
reaach home its alrdy 1am, slept at 2plus cos my ipod music library has erased and 0 songs left, so had to recover back. wake up at 6, 4 hours of slp. took 985, thinking that it will reach NP fast. who knows that bus is driving at a super slow speed. reach causeway point at 8 plus and they are alrdy many ppl. in the end, there is no limit cos aft i gotten the signature, ah li went to q again to get the poster signed. yea!!!
Singapore Hits awards. didnt expect the seats we bought is so front. haha, that means we are lucky!! this time the row in front of mine is SHE fans, with big balloons . at first i tot cool man, can sit with ppl of same likings but the balloons are quite view-blocking although its eye catchy. anyway, SHE are high today, they copied aunty lucy's famous action, junping around, giving big bear hugs and humourous thanks speech. of cos still have the singing part, they sang four songs but i can only record the 1st one as the security came-.- the whole event ended at 12 am and i had to cab home
reaach home its alrdy 1am, slept at 2plus cos my ipod music library has erased and 0 songs left, so had to recover back. wake up at 6, 4 hours of slp. took 985, thinking that it will reach NP fast. who knows that bus is driving at a super slow speed. reach causeway point at 8 plus and they are alrdy many ppl. in the end, there is no limit cos aft i gotten the signature, ah li went to q again to get the poster signed. yea!!!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
AAHHHH!!! my blog is so dead. this is a anticipating week, first thing, braces are going to vanish, SHA coming, SHE at Causeway point, no work on sat and maybe boomz to buy? haha! ystd man u won,yes! i didnt watch cos today work 9-9, damn shag. my legs are numb hands too tired. tml still got class, sian.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
ystd work was boring. not really enjoying the working enviroment cos of the damn politics. but who cares? i'm not dumb even though i'm the youngest there, you stab in i'll make sure you die even worse. wad do i have to lose? anyway, big boss and his wife came ystd, first time seeing them, look friendly though. then there's this really young girl came, she looks drunk or either she's high, idk. but who comes to a cake shop to buy sandwhich or rice?
i told the OW i cant work on 7/11 and 14/11. she asked me why, i said there's school event and cousin wedding. well the 2nd part is true but the first one is because of S.H.E. wad is work to me when they are in S'pore. and guess wad she said? no more leave for december,its a busy month. excuse me, can you define leave for me? mine is no work no pay. your leave is no work got pay. dec is busy for me too, i got lots of CTs, i'm not going to risk failing for your miserable pay.
i told the OW i cant work on 7/11 and 14/11. she asked me why, i said there's school event and cousin wedding. well the 2nd part is true but the first one is because of S.H.E. wad is work to me when they are in S'pore. and guess wad she said? no more leave for december,its a busy month. excuse me, can you define leave for me? mine is no work no pay. your leave is no work got pay. dec is busy for me too, i got lots of CTs, i'm not going to risk failing for your miserable pay.
Friday, October 23, 2009
its end of first week, and i only slept in EHM and HSM. ya, i've got a lecturer who say lainosaur and throw shits then another one is the younger sis of the rmt lecturer. okay, its not the end of my week cos tml sun need to work. but i'm gonna take leave on 7/11 and 14/11 cos S.H.E coming and my cousin wedding. don let me off, i quit!
Monday, October 05, 2009
ystd very tired but also fun. work 5 hrs plus the day before is night shift then watch man u until almost 3 am. chao lei~! but all the tireness is gone when i finish my shift cos i'm meeting my lovers at tampines! hahaha, thanks for the surprise popping at the doorstep although i can hear all of your voices from outside, thank you sh's gugu for the dinner that she cooked, its yummy! lastly is thank you for the surprise cake in the middle of mahjong and the presents!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
3 days, it took my mom and i 3 days to clean up the whole hse. meaning from ceiling to floor walls to walls, under the bed, behind the cupboards, kitchen stove and even the toilet bowl has also been scrubbed. Dettol kills 99.9% germs, haha advertising for them la.
ystd chose IS modules, sad cos i have to give up social psychology because of my dental appt. its all on tue aft and change appt will drag longer, so i ended up with photography and french. and my mom got mistaken, she thought that take photography need dslr, so she say if i really take photography then i can ask dad to buy the dslr. but that is lying and i dont want. anyway, i put photography as 2nd term so i can save money, i shall buy myself a dslr!!
ystd chose IS modules, sad cos i have to give up social psychology because of my dental appt. its all on tue aft and change appt will drag longer, so i ended up with photography and french. and my mom got mistaken, she thought that take photography need dslr, so she say if i really take photography then i can ask dad to buy the dslr. but that is lying and i dont want. anyway, i put photography as 2nd term so i can save money, i shall buy myself a dslr!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
ystd went downtown east for smth that is opposite and have nothing associate to the word [FUN]. not there for WWwet, not for Ecsape theme park, not for bbq or chalet, nothing to do with cycling, beach, water and sand.
if i'm not there for all these, wad elsa could i be doing?
BINGO! go there to work lor~~~
then there's this little boy that came in and ask,
boy boy: excuse me, do you sell that black black...thing...ah! charcoal!?
me: -.-' nope
thats just so kids.
if i'm not there for all these, wad elsa could i be doing?
BINGO! go there to work lor~~~
then there's this little boy that came in and ask,
boy boy: excuse me, do you sell that black black...thing...ah! charcoal!?
me: -.-' nope
thats just so kids.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
morning woke up at 730 and the sky is horrible. abit of reddish glow from the sun covered with looming black clouds and howling strong wind. for a moment i thought there was a tornado coming. went out to have breakfast.
stayed at home today, reading james patterson's novels. it's the Alex Cross series and i alrdy on my 3rd book. all about psychopath series murder crossing swords with the FBI, addicting book.
tea break was durian mooncake and durian puff from ecake. yumyum!!
stayed at home today, reading james patterson's novels. it's the Alex Cross series and i alrdy on my 3rd book. all about psychopath series murder crossing swords with the FBI, addicting book.
tea break was durian mooncake and durian puff from ecake. yumyum!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
this is going to be long....lastest update:
i've just finish my 3 day training stint at T1 ecake ystd. 4.50ph, so much lesser than tb plus alot of codes to rmb. LOL. i tot the cashier system will be similar to tb which is like touch screen no codes at all. simple straight forward. then now other than code i still have to know their products like how many layers of sponge cake, filings, wad type of filings, is the mango inside in cubes or slices. that is even more LOL. here's a suggestion: why dont you provide product testing? that's more efficient than memorising.
those who came to my hse b4 will know there's a double deck bed in my room. the upper deck is unoccupied. 3hrs ago, it look like lorry that collects recycled items. alot of different bags in bundle. those are 战励品 from the many many shopping trips. this holiday i spent alot, a pair of levis jeans $99/2, marks and spencer cotton shirt and jacket[again!-.-] $108, 2 uniqulo long sleaves $20, cotton on shorts[torn and tattered] $43, 2 polo tees $26, necklace $13, hat $10, a pair of 18k w/g studs $100...tsk tsk tsk
my cupboard is exploding aft sorting out all the clothes, its officially FULL
i've just finish my 3 day training stint at T1 ecake ystd. 4.50ph, so much lesser than tb plus alot of codes to rmb. LOL. i tot the cashier system will be similar to tb which is like touch screen no codes at all. simple straight forward. then now other than code i still have to know their products like how many layers of sponge cake, filings, wad type of filings, is the mango inside in cubes or slices. that is even more LOL. here's a suggestion: why dont you provide product testing? that's more efficient than memorising.
those who came to my hse b4 will know there's a double deck bed in my room. the upper deck is unoccupied. 3hrs ago, it look like lorry that collects recycled items. alot of different bags in bundle. those are 战励品 from the many many shopping trips. this holiday i spent alot, a pair of levis jeans $99/2, marks and spencer cotton shirt and jacket[again!-.-] $108, 2 uniqulo long sleaves $20, cotton on shorts[torn and tattered] $43, 2 polo tees $26, necklace $13, hat $10, a pair of 18k w/g studs $100...tsk tsk tsk
my cupboard is exploding aft sorting out all the clothes, its officially FULL
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
this 18th birthday was awesome! got trick by them, lied to me say they will be late so i went down even later. haha, then the mcc uncle also there, pls don be mistaken, he's not there to wish me but to make sure that we dont eat at there. lol! bball with laughter was shiok! and i love the presents, i sleep with duckie every night now=)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
haizzz..blogger ah blogger..wad is your problem?? i got so many things to share and picts to upload but you on strike.
Sat went to watch movie with joyce cos my uncle gave me 2 ticks but dunno its for which movie, so i tot maybe it ice age so jio joyce go. end up its UP, its premire so we get to watch first instead of waiting until 7 aug. quite a funny cartoon and i think i sucks at those small lil' touching points.
爱的3温暖, i finish reading it on sat! took me a day to finsh 220pages filled with 7万个字 and 400photos=)
Sat went to watch movie with joyce cos my uncle gave me 2 ticks but dunno its for which movie, so i tot maybe it ice age so jio joyce go. end up its UP, its premire so we get to watch first instead of waiting until 7 aug. quite a funny cartoon and i think i sucks at those small lil' touching points.
爱的3温暖, i finish reading it on sat! took me a day to finsh 220pages filled with 7万个字 and 400photos=)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
yea!! blogger is back to normal again. today is frag! cos of law, no one did the qns to present so mr tan made us do all 3 qns instead of the usual 1 and to be handed in by 6. by 6, we only did up till q2 so he allow us to bring back and complete. i'm so completely drain out that i feel like i'm floating when walking back home. right up till this min, i finally manage to complete it. i need my sleep right now! it feels good to talk to you=D
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
when is blogger going back to normal?? i cant post pics, change my fonts and put nice colours..the post all so plain and dull. damn you blogger! i hate you!! today damn suay.. i wait for 154, don come. take 65, thinking of changing bus somewhere, in the end, take only to nxt stop, the bus break down. leakage in water tank-.- need to queue up to alight. aft i alight i saw 154 in front of me, like going to leave liao, so run to catch bus. lucky i not late for the meet the t'cher session:D 3 more days to my book and legal songs..this fri, come fri come
Monday, July 27, 2009
let me share smth here, tml i am going to sch for 20mins!! 'cool eh?' that is going to be the most frag-shag thing for me. but the problem is i cant skip it. COs it will equate to me failing that module aft all the hardwork i put in, draw posters, proposals, contacting, video slides and money & time & effort... but i still know how to count my blessing cos my time slot is 10-1020am. the rest of my group is like in the afternoon which is worst.. tml morning must grab i-weekly then go 1on1 talk with t'cher.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
another week just flew pass.. IEA ending nxt week, abit 不舍 although my class got only 2 girls but the guys all very funny esp my group cos all jokers mah. so today ended rmt by drawing 2 pics, not bad ah, t'cher got improve in dragging the lecture longer. but icant post pictures in blog now. there's smth wrong with it. PVL, i think the t'cher like to pick on me=P cos i keep playing games in his lesson. last week i play crazy taxi from tutorial to lecture then this week is metal slug. haha! he always like to ask me do qns. and i play games becos i don want to slp, see i may be playing games but still got listen to what he talking.
full attetion-100%
play game-50%
if i cant focus fully, i have to choose the nxt best option right? =)
full attetion-100%
play game-50%
if i cant focus fully, i have to choose the nxt best option right? =)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
ystd went out with MJ and siyun. walk around T1 then aft that go TM to eat ajisen becos we got craving for it=) then we walk at the garage sales at tampines there. damn cool, cos they sell really alot of things but we didnt buy.oops=X then met with shihui and siyun drove us to giant cos they need to buy things so we shop at giant for almost 1hr++ then go back her aunt's hse. the 2 lil kids is just too cute, they are not scared of strangers, not like my niece. every thing also scared then cry. play abit of mahjong then go back so reach home at 1am.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

finally its Sat! ystd presentation is over, but still got another project for RMT, now got limit no. of ppl, 3 per group. So she suggest we split into 2-2 and do but i rejected. sorry mate, i know how it feels and i do feel bad for rejecting but that i cant work with you.
when for the lecture aft lunch. it was supposed to be 2hr but i went in, sit down, stone for 5 mins then draw a tweety bird and lecture end. all in an hr. LOL!!! i realised everytime i go lecture ends early. so i shld go consistently for the benefit of others??
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
maybe i will hate this coming x-mas all becos of RMT. damn it! faster fastforward to fri 4pm.. milo, i got milo addiction and i want milo NOW!! movies i have yet to watch: transformers 2, ice age 3 and harry potter no time to watch, if not is got time no money, got money no companyT_T...sianzzz-.- <--- i think my face gonna be like this soon. my greatest wish now is to stop sneezing now!!! shoo dust shoo!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
today bring my mama go SSC cos she wants to go see.. to her it's really a small shopping center cos we covered it real fast-.- but at DAISO i saw 巧克力饼干! the one in 蜡笔小新,where 小新always pester his mum to buy cos he wants the card inside. so i bought one too! i think inside also got card, hahaha!! then go cook dinner, that day is chicken and salmon, today is beef and pork, so i've covered like four basic meats. but today special cos got mushroom soup, haha! but it's campbell can one larh, not free to slowly cook.
Monday, July 13, 2009
lololololol..today still slp in abt lecture BUT only for 10mins=) considered this as an improvement?? at least i didnt slp in tutorial, i listen and participate in discussion eh! not bad wors...yeah~~~!! tml got no sch i can slp in longer, go out shopping and cook dinner again. yes! i going to try making ice cream soon(yum yum!) and tiramisu for joyce. i want to bake cake but my hse got no oven-.- ZZzzzz
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009

went to LOT 1 today with joyce. spent alot today, esp on norah jones cds at sembawang. one for 9.95 so i bought all 3 of her albums. then still got present money and dinner. went to deli france to eat student meal. we top up for ice cream, then got cherry so we tried to tied a knot using tongue and i did it!! my tongue is flexible=) also went to library and i borrow 2 book" the art of racing in the rain" eng and chi, haha! finally goe to read this book
no more comments on rmt
Thursday, July 09, 2009
wad the bloody hell, so many project dateline so close together. today rmt, tml pvl, mon abt. so today spent 8 hrs @72 to chiong project. whole class skip abt lect except a few go only. MEL hates rmt cause mel crashed when b4 12pm and couldnt be revived until hours later. pvl is done except printing it out which i shall do tml morning. RMT i want to faint, let me just collaspe cos i got nothing to say anymore.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
finally the week is over, ystd spent 4 hrs sitting on the floor to do ABT model, backache le larh. this sem CT result got pass but not good enough. now only left RMT haven get back. so shag if fail cos need to go back for re test, i don like=( PVL and ABT very depressing cos i cant seem to listen to lectures sai larh.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
wahh..today morning bus ride i nvr sleeep cos i waiting for a 全球首播 song, 梦田. its like a theme song to go with the book. i listen from 730 to until 1030 then they play the song. so first half of pvl i heard nothing much. then aft practical is so screwed up, odd week even week 傻傻分不清, mr M more zai, say 7 is even. LOL can you count?? then becos of ystd i had to carry my vaio with my right hand today cos left hand fei liao. lucky no laptop tml cos today both hand fei le
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
today go sch just to fill in forms for iea project, so lame-.- aft sch even more crazy, my parents went to walk the southern ridges from alexendra there start. so i went to meet them=walk the bridges too. yea, great workout lugging my 2.4kg vaio+charger at 12noon along. walk all the way to Mt Faber then to habour front there the bus stop take bus home. my left shouder is going fei
Monday, June 29, 2009
clear dust clear dust....haiyo, also wad to blog on...today first day of sch lor then get back rmr and abt results. quite surprise at rmr's result, not too bad but abt is real lucky. just pass only lor, then no need to go for retest. but final exam really dunno wad to do, must really stop falling asleep in abt. today weather very nice, cooling. tml still need to go back sch just for 3 hrs, haiyo go there play com=)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
decided to take a short break so my family decided to travel to batam island, actually we can stay there for one night but my brother larh, say he want to study so we have to come by evening. first i hate taking boat ride, i will get sea sick that i need to sleep in order not to vomit. So nvr bring me to take cruise! when we reach there, quite blur with the currency cos its like counting in thousands 0.0 shop at Nygora hill SC and Batam City Square. another i cant get use is the allowing of smoking in SC, i cant stand the smell>.<
decided to take a short break so my family decided to travel to batam island, actually we can stay there for one night but my brother larh, say he want to study so we have to come by evening. first i hate taking boat ride, i will get sea sick that i need to sleep in order not to vomit. So nvr bring me to take cruise! when we reach there, quite blur with the currency cos its like counting in thousands 0.0 shop at Nygora hill SC and Batam City Square. another i cant get use is the allowing of smoking in SC, i cant stand the smell>.<
930 reach SengKang, so can you imagine wad time i woke up?? when we first met the kids they were like so sianzz. but of cos, who will be so high early in the morning. things were better when we reach Singapore Flyer cos they are really excited, can see from their face. but got one of them scared of heights, then in the capsule emo-ing. even aft we came out, he still very scared. then we got 'scam' the Popeye's Chicken combo meal=kids meal=mac's happy meal size. so we big kids are not full.
next stop marina barrage, guess who we saw?? Fellicia Chin!! and we took grp photo with her, haha! this time IEA SURE PASS LARRH!! marina barrage is super hot, good for those who want to sun tan. by the way we the organisers became nannies lorh. help the kids to carry their bags, piggyback them, make sure they drink enough water, okay, maybe like being one day parents.
all in all, it was successful! hurray!!
930 reach SengKang, so can you imagine wad time i woke up?? when we first met the kids they were like so sianzz. but of cos, who will be so high early in the morning. things were better when we reach Singapore Flyer cos they are really excited, can see from their face. but got one of them scared of heights, then in the capsule emo-ing. even aft we came out, he still very scared. then we got 'scam' the Popeye's Chicken combo meal=kids meal=mac's happy meal size. so we big kids are not full.
next stop marina barrage, guess who we saw?? Fellicia Chin!! and we took grp photo with her, haha! this time IEA SURE PASS LARRH!! marina barrage is super hot, good for those who want to sun tan. by the way we the organisers became nannies lorh. help the kids to carry their bags, piggyback them, make sure they drink enough water, okay, maybe like being one day parents.
all in all, it was successful! hurray!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
yea~~~!!! i'm free for now, at least for these few hours b4 i start washing cars again tml. damn! why do i feel more like a labourer than a poly student-.- anyway hurry settle the balance amt, prepare for the event on 18 and that will be a BIG load off( of cos there are still much bigger loads coming, more like Dead LOAD larhh!! the structure is breaking) and i need to save money to take the flyer, $25 T_T. spending alot this week feeding my parents!! i want to go away for a break, stupid H1N1 Influ A buzz off!!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
damn la, tml got 6 hr break leh. ass, wad m i supposed to do for the 6 hr?? and i locked my blog, no actual reasons or maybe there is but i don want to admit?? i love holdin up in the small room in my hse, its so quiet and windy and peaceful. i want to do things that makes me happy, stop torturing yourself!!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
damn it, overslept on bus today again. this time take until almost Sunset way,lawls! damn stress now and super lack of slp. ystd night still watch ch 5 movie, about some flood in NY city. tml is the car wash day and there is 3 possibilities:
1) nobody bother about us. so we got very few cars to wash and cannot make enough money.
2) a lot of ppl came but we not enough ppl to handle, so alot left.
3) many came, and bother to wait for a little while longer and we manage to reach certain target.
i wish/pray/hope it will be 3. we got not much time to waste anymore.
1) nobody bother about us. so we got very few cars to wash and cannot make enough money.
2) a lot of ppl came but we not enough ppl to handle, so alot left.
3) many came, and bother to wait for a little while longer and we manage to reach certain target.
i wish/pray/hope it will be 3. we got not much time to waste anymore.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
lawls, law is killing my hand. so much of writing, and its all copied from the book. ct and exams sure gg liao. every week do writing practice and my handwriting is getting worse. CT coming and still need to fret over I&E project, every day think of the $600 jiu sianzzz. will the money pls drop from the sky? or drop me a sponsor, thank you very much. and my no. of posts is reaching 330! yea~~!! *pop the party poopers, celebrate* next target will be 618, 830, 911,1031. i wonder how long will it takes to reach 1031??
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
this is like a marathon. its going to finish but that is also where all the pressure falls in. damn lots of things to do man, common test,fund raising, planning for the project,contacting relevant ppl. yea,plus we gonna to car washing soon,probably continuous for 2 weekend. arrgghhh!!! i need a sponsor, any kind souls out there???
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ah dai change liao. look so cool!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
hmmm....today experienced rejections blows till i'm going emo liao. but lucky 1 family service center is willingly to work with us.although its not 100% comfirm but its like 85% there. heng ah! btw i phone is addictive. tml is e learning week but i think just go for 1 hr can la. hate those plug-hoggers at mac!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
poly can get dips accquire pool skills, jang-uno and quite a bit of F&B. yup yup! today aft RMR went to eat at BTP and play pool. when its time to go back, damn the rain cos we had to cab back. waste money on cab fare. then 1 hr break play jang-uno, bought french fries but i shld have just bought subway cookies man. the fries is just too oily.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
celebrations at T3 ystd was fun but short. meet up to had Popeyes chicken for dinner..yummy! sat around at Mr bean, cut cake and open presents! MJ and i wanted to give Mommy surprise but putting her present into her bag while she go toilet but who knw? she caught us red handed so funny larh! pics coming soon=)
Friday, May 15, 2009
yes! last day of sch! oh well, i skipped 2 hrs lecture cos of cramps. damnit la, but then again not alot of ppl went. b4 that had lunch with joyce yq[ the friendly gaint quoted by joyce's friend] reach home 230. addicted to playing initial D again. thought through lots of things but i lazy to type-.- so just let it go, its just passing time where things don go your way. lots of things are grey, just like my blog. compromise and adapt thats wad i do best=D but with limit
两较 一恩
不比较 不计较 要心存感恩
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
wah~~~just finish writing my law hw. handwritten leh!! fingers going to break cos it occupies two sides of one piece of paper and its really down to the last line. this week is short, well for me only? cos i got mc on mon, tue got no class so today is my first day of sch for this week. 2 more days and its weekend! lame-.-
Monday, May 11, 2009
ystd went out to buy things with mj and aver. the whole process is damn tough and headache. but at least its a getaway from home or rather from my crazy neighbour. there's smth very wrong with her. anyway my bro and i bought separate presents for mummy dearest! he bought bird's nest for her and i bluff her say i only buy mangoes and sour plums home. so when i get home she was like didi better buy bird's nest not like me only spent $6 on mangoes and sour plums. hours later when i gave her the real present she was shock! its a beautiful necklace but i still prefer the one from another store.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
bad news..this morning my dad fall down and fractured his left foot. this morning i wake up feeling irritated by my throat and nose. thanks to those in 01/02. sick alrdy still attend lecture then start coughing in LT. also dunno they got read news anot, sick don go sch la! acc mum and dad to TTSH to take x-ray. also dunno i go there for wad? only can one person acc the patient, i go there wait at the waiting area, look at paramedics working, play initial D and slp becos the panadol takes effect. my dad says the cast in done in 15 mins but we waited for 4 hrs and i slept 2 hrs.
ystd go baidu see see. saw a thread say S.H.E 新歌. i tot is some prank but then its real-.- so sudden without notice, only to know that its a digital album collaberate with 中国移动. anyway, it all about downloading legally=paying money.
6 mth attachment/internship, that wad i will be doing next yr mar hols if everything goes successsfully. this is another problem, i will have to do well for this sem and if i qualify, next sem i need to take up to 9 modules. core modules, electives modules + diploma plus all got project, sooner or later i'll be bury under all this
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
life is stagnant for this week. mon stay back to project reach home late. tue end at 12 but go my auntie hse reach home late. wed stay back for bball reach home even late. today hope to reach home early cos tml will be late again. every day late late late but go sch early early. then got so many assignment/project/research to do.
bball ystd was stale, as in its not boring but it wasnt exactly fun like playing at Mcc. maybe cos those are like total strangers except for fiona and alicia. i'm itching for a game of bball at mcc!
Monday, May 04, 2009
weekends bus rides can be challenging too but of cos the level of difficulty is way lower.
wads so challenging? to me, taking bus ride, mrt ride or car ride, the moment i sit my objective is to slp. i cant find any other thing to do except slp. play psp, read book will make me feel giddy and later i'll feel nauseous. daydreaming or maybe thinking about some urgent issues is only done occassionaly. how challenging can it be to slp on bus? its no kick unless there's someone nearby telling their 祖宗十八代story louder than the bus engine, chatting on the phone about their first love, EXs, wad they do on dates and everything under the sun.
next, jerky bus rides. don even talk about slp, its alrdy thank goodness if your head didnt drop or vomit on the bus.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
ystd go eat yuki yaki, 饱死了!!! i bought a new cd, 法克这个人。and they give free mask, a cool one.enjoying the cd now. ystd also buy a present for my niece, a yellow duckie. its so cute that i 舍不得送走。but i cant keep cos my dad will kill me. now going to my uncle hse to celebrate my nephew birthday, MAY is another month that i'll be broke.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
law is very wordy, complicated brain-consuming work. doing one set of tutorials is exhaustive. lugging the laptop to sch is physically-tiring. it's like playing a game with several missions to go through.
pre mission: fight with fate or luck or maybe SBS. hope that the bus comes on time and always pray for a double decker[which seldom appears during PEAK HOUR]
Round 1 objective: fight your way up the bus
opponents: uncles aunties and fellow sch mates rushing to board the bus
round 2 objective: grab a pole to steady yourself or incase the driver brakes suddenly. whatever it is, laptop is the priority. you can fall but your laptop MUST NVR drop/ bang against anything.
round 3 objective: fight for a seat in order not to overwork your limbs.
opponents: working adults esp those who only carry handbag but they behave like they are carrying ten tonnes and they need a seat more than you.
so going to sch makes one mentally-physically drainout
i found the singer who sing '法克这个人' translate= F*** you. he is 萧闳仁, interesting guy.
pre mission: fight with fate or luck or maybe SBS. hope that the bus comes on time and always pray for a double decker[which seldom appears during PEAK HOUR]
Round 1 objective: fight your way up the bus
opponents: uncles aunties and fellow sch mates rushing to board the bus
round 2 objective: grab a pole to steady yourself or incase the driver brakes suddenly. whatever it is, laptop is the priority. you can fall but your laptop MUST NVR drop/ bang against anything.
round 3 objective: fight for a seat in order not to overwork your limbs.
opponents: working adults esp those who only carry handbag but they behave like they are carrying ten tonnes and they need a seat more than you.
so going to sch makes one mentally-physically drainout
i found the singer who sing '法克这个人' translate= F*** you. he is 萧闳仁, interesting guy.
Monday, April 27, 2009
today stand thrgh the whole bus journey on the way to sch. tired, lucky nvr bring laptop. i realise aft i start sch, my whole blog is filled with tired tired and more tired. slp slp i need more slp. why i lack of slp? cos every night chasing HK drama till 12 am plus, average hrs of slp is only 5~6 hrs. hope finishing this drama i stop getting addicted to another one, then i can get more slp!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
ystd i wore the top girl shirt-Ella's design!! hee=) happy and paranoid. cos i very scared the shirt get stains or wad. lucky none happen. RMT is fun, went to play pool during break at BTP. only played 1 game cos go eat then not much time liao. wah, very long nvr play liao abit rusty. at night i do revision for those modules, cant imagine i actually did that.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
ystd went jogging cos the day ended early and the sun is pretty good to get tan.it feels so good. anyway, ABT is boring, he's like talking to himself and i cant help but to slp. estate law i also slp abit cos well, the first chapter is dry.maybe i need toothpicks and tapes to prevent my eyelids from closing. my breaks are spent playing metal slug and slp. slept at makan place today, came out and the jacket stinks.yea! tml last day of the week, i need to slp more on weekends. I&E groupmates are great, at least that's wad i feel right now, way better than CATS and COMM.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
5 hours plus of slp is seriously not enough to last for even 4hrs of lesson. today starts at 8 and it had to rain just before i step out of the house. managed to reach there on time. so this IS class has 21 students and only 2 are girls,'best' thing is Enoch is in that class too. good or bad, we are in the same group. wad did i do wrong or is the sch giving me 'special' treatment? my IS classes or electives always have more guys than girls, or either i'm arrange to work with all guys. guys do have their good points in terms of talking part[discussion] actual action depends. well, hope this coming project will go smoothly.
i uploaded the photos in the other blog=) everyday watch 蜡笔小新to relax. he's just so cute, my all time favourite cartoon series. lastly, come on la man u. that 30 million pounds turkey is just a burden too big. did you buy him to come stroll on all the different pitches??
i uploaded the photos in the other blog=) everyday watch 蜡笔小新to relax. he's just so cute, my all time favourite cartoon series. lastly, come on la man u. that 30 million pounds turkey is just a burden too big. did you buy him to come stroll on all the different pitches??
Monday, April 20, 2009
first day of sch is so tiring. wah, got alot of freshies jam pack the whole of cheers and bus stop. today only got three modules, 5 hours of studying and 4 hours break. sick la, in between 3 hour go queue buy books. lucky today no tutorial for abt. manage to reach home at 6. tml got early class, hope its not so bad.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
HaPPy Birthday AVER =D
ystd/today was the first time i stay out so late other than those chalet times. ystd aft is super hot, went to watch A div game[support TJC] then watch club training. it was supposed to be going home next but we all decided to go have fun. so siyun[many many thanks!!!] drove us[ sh aver mj ht lili me] to orchard there and have supper! then we sent aver back first so we can celebrate at her hse. got no pics cos i left camera in the car. reach home around 240 am, bathe then go sleep. wake up go shopping with mum, weather is super hot. suitable for beach only.
ystd/today was the first time i stay out so late other than those chalet times. ystd aft is super hot, went to watch A div game[support TJC] then watch club training. it was supposed to be going home next but we all decided to go have fun. so siyun[many many thanks!!!] drove us[ sh aver mj ht lili me] to orchard there and have supper! then we sent aver back first so we can celebrate at her hse. got no pics cos i left camera in the car. reach home around 240 am, bathe then go sleep. wake up go shopping with mum, weather is super hot. suitable for beach only.
Friday, April 17, 2009
oh yea!! i've got my bag! hah, the first thing she see me is apologise. well, maybe she've heard from her colleague how black my face was on tue. we roam bugis for like 5~6 hours. i play the bball machine and halfway through my ring flew out, lucky it did not drop into some hole so its not lost! and i went home with 3 bags, i carried one, collect one and bought one. opps!=X did i mention bought?? haha, anyway its not for me=XXXX okay, my lips are sealed! everything will be reveal tml!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
everything was going perfectly alright from dental to buying psp memory card. but when it come to collecting my bag, the happy feeling sky rocketed down from heaven to hell. i paid deposit on sat, she say i can collect on sun but i reject. who wants to go bugis 2 days straight in a row. siao ah? there also not much to shop plus dad will be there. so i say tue then i collect. now i go there, they tell me bag haven transfer over. WTH!!! i give you like 3 days, from jurong point to bugis don need three days!! this is Singapore not USA, we don need to take plane, mrt is already very fast. ask me to wait, afternoon will come. crazy ah!! i so free sit at bugis to wait ah??? then when i reach home, 20mins later tell me bag arrive liao. big deal ah, 本小姐开心才去拿!
everything was going perfectly alright from dental to buying psp memory card. but when it come to collecting my bag, the happy feeling sky rocketed down from heaven to hell. i paid deposit on sat, she say i can collect on sun but i reject. who wants to go bugis 2 days straight in a row. siao ah? there also not much to shop plus dad will be there. so i say tue then i collect. now i go there, they tell me bag haven transfer over. WTH!!! i give you like 3 days, from jurong point to bugis don need three days!! this is Singapore not USA, we don need to take plane, mrt is already very fast. ask me to wait, afternoon will come. crazy ah!! i so free sit at bugis to wait ah??? then when i reach home, 20mins later tell me bag arrive liao. big deal ah, 本小姐开心才去拿!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
ystd went TM. i must be crazy to go there cos of the opening of T1. its so crowded, like almost half of the population is there. the walk way is damn packed with ppl and prams but inside the shop its only like 50% full. too much ppl just damper the shopping feel, so we went home.
today go bugis, finally i made a choice between puma or normal bagpack. i bought the one at bugis street. i choose the black one but they got no more stock. the lady very good, help me check other outlet too but also don have. then she ask me to consider whether to take the brown one or white one. at first she thought i sec 2! LOL, when i say i poly going to year 2 she so shock la! so we walk around, go OG, then i tell mama, actually brown also can la. cos the brown very dark so i can hynoptise myself that its black. went back to the shop and the lady got good news!! she say one of the outlet found 1 last black one, so i can don cheat myself. tue i shall got get my bag!! hee=)
today go bugis, finally i made a choice between puma or normal bagpack. i bought the one at bugis street. i choose the black one but they got no more stock. the lady very good, help me check other outlet too but also don have. then she ask me to consider whether to take the brown one or white one. at first she thought i sec 2! LOL, when i say i poly going to year 2 she so shock la! so we walk around, go OG, then i tell mama, actually brown also can la. cos the brown very dark so i can hynoptise myself that its black. went back to the shop and the lady got good news!! she say one of the outlet found 1 last black one, so i can don cheat myself. tue i shall got get my bag!! hee=)
Friday, April 10, 2009
ystd outing was damn tiring, mentally and physically. by dinner time only left mj and me. we from suntec walk to bugis intending to have dinner at the hawker but it was under renovation. so we walk to selegie there to buy soya bean milk and walk to the hawker at little india BUT under renovation AGAIN. take mrt to chinatown, search the hawker near OG for bbq seafood stall but dun have!! then walk to another hawker just to eat dinner. 吃穷了!!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
suay things that happen to me ystd: joss stick burned my thumb, my mum step on my left foot by accident real hard, my dad step on my right foot, toes only. go out one day, i almost become handicap. but lucky my mum doesnt wear high heels, if not my left foot got hole ah.
hols are just meant to watch dramas esp hongkong dramas. ystd finish another show, cry finish go slp then morning got swollen eyes sian-.-
hols are just meant to watch dramas esp hongkong dramas. ystd finish another show, cry finish go slp then morning got swollen eyes sian-.-
Monday, April 06, 2009
victory also taste sweeter aft a bitter battle. so glad that Man U won ystd. Macheda score the winning goal when ystd was just his debut game in the senior team. he got looks and skills,有前途!
ystd also buy birthday present for my bro. it an ellesse watch, the one jay chou 代言. usual price $359 but got sale slash until $129, shiok! i chose the design my father pay for it, haha.
ystd also buy birthday present for my bro. it an ellesse watch, the one jay chou 代言. usual price $359 but got sale slash until $129, shiok! i chose the design my father pay for it, haha.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
went to kovan today, nothing much there cos its really too small. but i still manage to spend long time in sembawang looking for my norah jones cds but couldnt find a single one. damn!!! why sembawang don have, HMV prices are more ex. haizz..then go seng kang to shop. i saw xin and qin there. so qiao!!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
ystd went to watch my third movie of this hols, Mall Cop! went with mj and joyce. aft movie went to HMV to shop for cds. okay, its actually mj looking for her dbsk album, joyce and me is just browsing. wd and kj came,watch free mayday concert dvd and i found the norah jones cds. haven bought yet, wd got her album so get from him first. at least i know where i can get it=) aft HMV we took a long time to decide where to eat. yq came along to meet us too. dinner at pastamania and that's was my first meal of the day. aft that shop around orchard before going home. 'shop' is guys shopping girls following not the other way round. oh and of cos, dinner,take mrt and shopping includes lots of suan-ing with different ppl being the target. err..most popular target award goes to.......MJ!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
beware of virus attack [computer wise]. not sure whether its true or not, but just play safe. i don want sch reopen first thing go it helpdesk and waste my time. rather go library play board games. anyway is module i choose community. events managment is out cos i wont be in the same class with you peeps. so tue lessons is from 8-12 and i'm free!!
oh shit! i need to go bathe now or else i'm late and dar dar will get angry, oopps!=X ahaha, just joking lar, HAPPY APRIL"S FOOL DAY!!!
oh shit! i need to go bathe now or else i'm late and dar dar will get angry, oopps!=X ahaha, just joking lar, HAPPY APRIL"S FOOL DAY!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
today is special cos its Hebe's birthday!!
三三零 每天想想你 你是我的朋友 最親愛地
三三零 在這特別日子裡 想要再次大聲說愛你
知道你不缺什麼 所以我獻真心 增興也是你媽咪最愛的唯一
所有朋友因為你 能夠幸福相遇
所以今天我們要 唱祝福給你
祝你生日 快樂 祝你生日 快樂 祝你生日快樂
this song is for Hebe written by Ella. can listen it on youtbe:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiulHq4Ej5g
today is special cos its Hebe's birthday!!
三三零 每天想想你 你是我的朋友 最親愛地
三三零 在這特別日子裡 想要再次大聲說愛你
知道你不缺什麼 所以我獻真心 增興也是你媽咪最愛的唯一
所有朋友因為你 能夠幸福相遇
所以今天我們要 唱祝福給你
祝你生日 快樂 祝你生日 快樂 祝你生日快樂
this song is for Hebe written by Ella. can listen it on youtbe:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiulHq4Ej5g
Sunday, March 29, 2009
early in the morning went to Bright Hill. there got alot of ppl, weather damn hot, many many joss sticks and incense paper boxes burning. last time when my dad still got drive lorry, i rmb my whole family including all the uncles aunties cuzzies will go. its like one of those rare get-together. but now every year, those who go is getteing lesser and lesser. anyway, woah! this yr the boxes of incense paper to burn is exploding. and there's all kind of different things. lucky this yr i got bring shades so spare my eyes from the stinging smoke but my nose don enjoy such good benefits. nxt time probabaly bring mask there?
early in the morning went to Bright Hill. there got alot of ppl, weather damn hot, many many joss sticks and incense paper boxes burning. last time when my dad still got drive lorry, i rmb my whole family including all the uncles aunties cuzzies will go. its like one of those rare get-together. but now every year, those who go is getteing lesser and lesser. anyway, woah! this yr the boxes of incense paper to burn is exploding. and there's all kind of different things. lucky this yr i got bring shades so spare my eyes from the stinging smoke but my nose don enjoy such good benefits. nxt time probabaly bring mask there?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
75% recovered. today went out with mummy and didi to eat at Seoul Garden. my bro take a lot of teriyaki chicken. damn full man dinner also don need to eat liao. then shop around at Marina Square from there walk to bugis street then OG. saw sh while waiting for bus so we take the same bus back.
haha, my 3 limited edition shirts is already with my couz. yea! looking forward for the shirt to fly back,wahahaha!!
haha, my 3 limited edition shirts is already with my couz. yea! looking forward for the shirt to fly back,wahahaha!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
went t clinic today, not to see doc but to give doc see =P it rain and i have to bring an umbrella cos i dont want to feel worse. get some usual med then go buy some stuffs and lunch. dont feel like eating but need to cos med is to be taken AFT meal. my whole resipratory sys is screwed, make me dont feel like eating talking and even breathing is irritating. i cant even sleep well. dinking water helps to 'cool' the throat but it hurts too.=(((((((((((((((((((((((
hoho! i didnt realised i got elective for nxt sem until Jo ask me ystd. i'm not sure whether it's worth celebrating anot cos w/out it i end class at 11am on fri. and at first i tot tue no sch BUT its actually reserved for the upcoming elective...........all the black lines crawling on my head
hoho! i didnt realised i got elective for nxt sem until Jo ask me ystd. i'm not sure whether it's worth celebrating anot cos w/out it i end class at 11am on fri. and at first i tot tue no sch BUT its actually reserved for the upcoming elective...........all the black lines crawling on my head
Monday, March 23, 2009
what timely arrival to fall sick. now i have a reason to rot home even more. patients have real seriously weird dreams when on medication. i dreamt of my usual friends and we are in sch. but the 'sch' is so unfamiliar then suddenly got lots of ppl around. the most weird thing is i saw shalala with her exploded haistyle and scary makeup. i tried to avoid her but she still saw me then i hurry ran off. who knows in real life would she recognise me.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
oh man, having leg pain is alrdy a torture, why did Mr Flu had to come visit me now!! its so bad, feeling cold under HOT sun, all the body ache, the nose trap is not working, cant breathe normally and the throat is damn uncomfortable. i had to bathe with super hot water or i might just freeze, the temperature of the water is enough to cook an egg. who knows maybe Ms fever will come visit me tml?? woah! thats lots of company for me!
but lucky i found comfort in tv. Pacifier is nice, i dont mind watching a hundred times.
but lucky i found comfort in tv. Pacifier is nice, i dont mind watching a hundred times.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
hohoho! today go shopping with mummy. went to jack's place for lunch then shop OG. i manage to buy a bag that i like. its not bag pack, i think i've to give up my puma bag pack for a cheaper one. shop half day my legs hurts la cos wearing new flats, not used to it so its quite uncomfortable to me =( now leg pain pain
oh ya, last time i said that i lost 2 ear rings that i bought. i found them today!! see, they appear once i dont start looking for them. i actually placed them at the long desserted desk top. happen to flip through things there and found them. now place in a very safe and easy to rmb place.
oh ya, last time i said that i lost 2 ear rings that i bought. i found them today!! see, they appear once i dont start looking for them. i actually placed them at the long desserted desk top. happen to flip through things there and found them. now place in a very safe and easy to rmb place.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
woah~! ystd went to watch movieSsss, not one but 2! haha! watch Marley and me first, i waited so long to watch this show. its a teary movie at the end cos we both cried and i love the dog alot. then we go buy tickets for coming soon, the thai horror movie at 530. so we got time to shop around at PS, play arcade then went back to cathay. i pay for Marley and me tickets so MJ pay for coming soon tickets and she chose the seats. when we went in, we then realise that seats is couple's seat. can you imagine?? those around us is all couple's leh!! -.-'' its quite scary or maybe is all those screams thts scares me. but at then end i feel quite sad for the scary thing. eat dinner at ajisen and home sweet home!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
woah! YSTD went to msia. take the bus damn fast la! okay, actually is the driver drive very fast, like got 100km/h ba. not much things to buy, i only bought a ring a specs and a pair of shades. dine at 'sizzling stone' the salmon spaghetti is nice. and i ate papa roti! yummy!
just now mj and lihui came to my hse. cos we got no where to go. so stay at home to watch but all the shows quite boring. -.- sian
just now mj and lihui came to my hse. cos we got no where to go. so stay at home to watch but all the shows quite boring. -.- sian
Saturday, March 14, 2009
haha! i'm so fickle-minded. see now i decided to buy those shirts liao. haha, ask my cousin to help me buy, he must accept my money! actually buy these shirts is also for charity so i dont mind paying 100 plus for 3. now spend 100 plus monday going to spend even more liao. going to m'sia shopping with my mum's friend and daughter. its so weird!! later MAN U vs Liverpool. c'mmon beat liverpool!! wahahaha! opps! my bro is a liverpool fan =X
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Salmon 成功! 嗨哟天天很boring.怎么办怎么办?? also nothing to blog cos everyday do nothing!!! oh! ystd i saw rachi lai!! yes, my best partner back in gm, BUT she nvr see me T_T. must be i disguise too well ba. haizzzz...i shall go find smth to do. 3 am got soccer to watch!!
just now online see these shirts: http://xueyun.net/thread-67314-1-1.html
design by S.H.E, nice right?? but only taiwan have. 1 is like arnd 30 plus, if i buy all 3 its going to reach or maybe break 100. hai...better dont buy, later buy le 舍不得穿. i know le! tml go kino see got nice books to buy anot.
just now online see these shirts: http://xueyun.net/thread-67314-1-1.html
design by S.H.E, nice right?? but only taiwan have. 1 is like arnd 30 plus, if i buy all 3 its going to reach or maybe break 100. hai...better dont buy, later buy le 舍不得穿. i know le! tml go kino see got nice books to buy anot.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
ystd went to TM, sh's aunt hse to play mahjong. we went tm to buy cake first, breadtalk bananacoco, nice! then we went up first. her aunt cooking then we ownself set up the mahjong table in the room. its like second home, we can do it yourself. around 4, pause the game to eat. yum yum! her aunt's cooking is good! okay, fastforward, went back to play then at night we gave sh a surprise! so aft eatingg the cake we chat then went back.
haiyo, ystd cannot watch man u's game. mummy don let, but at least i know they won! yes!
haiyo, ystd cannot watch man u's game. mummy don let, but at least i know they won! yes!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
today bring the lcd tv back to JP to change but first went to Hong Lin complex to eat the morning bak kuet teh. very long nvr go eat liao, still rmb last time we would go there every sun. so today went there aft my dad's checkup. i carry the tv from home to take bus, then on bus everyone was looking at me weridly. aft lunch went to JP. finally get it change and off to home! the tv is perfectly alright now, suitable for viewing.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
aft little red car, here comes the horse-less carriage. haha! for me to put good use of the poster colour instead of letting it dry up. took my own sweet time to paint and watch tv at the same time. tv makes me mad! the lcd tv we bought is faulty and now we have to bring it back to JP to change! wth, wasting my time and the manager give such lousy attitude. dont you know you need to speak to customer in a nicer way?? baka!!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
ystd night super bored. no tv programs to watch, so i decided to paint my woodcraft- porsche. so start to look for paints brushes pallet old rag and plastic cup. next is the colours, aft much consideration i still prefer red, black and white. took me three hours to finish painting cos i need to dismantle it carefully, paint and fix back based on memory cos the instruction paper was long thrown away. the outcome not bad maybe i shld go buy some wood finishes then make it look glossy even nicer. wahahawahaha! look at those models in my hse, have the urge of spending more money to buy some more and fix, but my hse got no place for them. NVM i still LOVE them! get me models and i'll probably be in love with you, haha!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
waaaa~~~~~!!! officially on hols!!!! woo~~hoo~~~! haha, today last paper at 2. okay la, let the grades alone first.haha! aft that went home, the rest go town eat dinner. wanted to go but too bad, got to meet my mum. meet mummy go where? hair salon! great news! actually wanted to show you guys tml when we meet for mahjong but sad la, cancel le. haha, anyway back to it. can you guess it? i eat my hair short! hee=) at first very scare cut le not nice. haha! but i love it now. and the back is short enough for me to style! wahahahaha! damn high leh!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
holiday!!! i can see my holidays coming!!! wad i want to do: play mahjong go sing k watch movie sun tan play bball netball volleyball frisbee ahhh!!! and go work, provided i can find one, haha! actually is have but i rejected. oh well, lets just see first. i get to eat rock melon today!! manage to get home b4 its starts to pour! see tml got luck anot. Marley & me is tempting!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
yes! one down. left 2 more. haizzz tml econs leh!! must study!!! cos i dont wish dont want to see him nxt sem. i want to look forward. then this morning backside itchy la, go watch Champions league Inter milan vs MAN U. why dont put Rooney!!! put that slow poke, waste chances only!! ahh!! and waste my time cos ended 0-0 goalless draw!! sian la!! and so suay, today rain. then i cannot slowly walk home and shun bian buy my rock melon to eat. stop raining la, i want to eat rock melon!!!!
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